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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 259

Chapter 259 Bullying Him

At North City Airport, Brook stood at the exit, shaking his car keys and waiting bored. Not far away, he saw a

man in a sports coat with his hands in his pockets, slowly walking out. He had short hair, tied into a braid,

showing his clean forehead. Jared had a pair of black sunglasses and a black cell phone in his hand. He was looking at it as he walked. He

was tall and strong. Even if he was dressed simply, his masculinity could not be hidden. Many young girls took

out their cell phones to take pictures, but they were shocked by his sharp eyes. Somehow, he was wearing

sunglasses, but he looked so powerful that people didn’t dare to make a move. “Jar!” Brook shouted and waved the car keys in his hand. However, he exerted so much force that the car keys

were thrown out of his hand. The keys were about to hit a small girl’s face. The girl froze in tear. Suddenly, a

big hand reached out in front of her. With a “ta-da” sound, Jared caught the car keys firmly in his hand. “Sorry.” A slightly deep voice sounded in the girl’s cars. Before the girl could react, the straight figure was already far

away. After leaving the station, Jared tossed the car keys to Brook and gave him a knock on the head, “You are

too naughty. Behave yourself!” Brook rubbed his head and smiled, “Thanks for your help! You’re so considerate to girls!” Jared took off his sunglasses and hung them on the back of his head. He looked even more handsome. He gave

Brook a glance and mocked him,”I’m not. You could say I’ın heartless to girls.” Brook laughied, “Jar, you know yourself well.” “Do you want to get hit?” Jared hooked his arm around Brook’s neck with force. Brook was so strangled that he could barely breathe and begged for mercy. “I was wrong…” When he got into the car, Jared sat in the passenger seat looking at his phone, frowning slightly Brook glanced at the phone in his hand and said with envy, “Jar, I want this phone in your hand too.” Jared didn’t even litt an eyelid and refused, “No.” Brook felt aggrieved, saying, “Why should I not have one when all the brothers have one?” “You’re still a young kid. Why are you using this phone?”

Jared curled his finger and tapped the phone. Looking at the red dot on his location in North City, he narrowed

his eyes slightly.

Brook got a little angry and said, “I’m not a kid. I’m almost 26, three months older than Hailey! Hailey has got

one, why don’t I have one?”

Hearing him mention Hailey, Jared turned his head and looked at him. “Are you as important as Hailey?” Brook didn’t know what to say. Brook, who understood his family’s status, silently wept inwardly. In the

Kirkland family, he was the favorite, but here he was the easiest to bully. Brook quickly adjusted his mood and asked Jared, “Jar, what are you doing in North City this time? We’ve

already found Catherine and warned Matthew.” Jared stared at the red dot on his phone for half a second before he looked up. “For something personal.” His

voice was a little low and deep.

Brook just thought it was another problem with the Gomez family and didn’t dare to ask Jared. In the cafe, Hailey and Sofia were still chatting animatedly. It was the first time they met since they grew up.

So, they had a lot to say to each other, even though they were usually people who didn’t talk much. Sofia was

still in the military. She was a Major General in the Army and a female gunner. She used to be in the Dragon

Special Force with Owen and Matthew. They experienced life and death together and had a strong friendship. The military always made people respect.


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