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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 289

Chapter 289 Cute Boy

Hailey had no idea why Polly was so shocked. “Polly, are you all right?”

Polly came to her senses. “Yeah, I suddenly felt that I was too lenient with Owen when he was little. I should have been stricter. You’re

skilled and knowledgeable. Owen is good at nothing except annoying people.”

When Owen was mentioned, Polly was full of disdain and sounded like a stepmother. It seemed like all parents disliked their children.

Hailey remembered what Nancy always liked to say.

“Geez, you’re clumsy. Your dad and I are both smart. How come we have such a stupid daughter like you? I wish I could stuff you back

into my belly and have a new baby.”

Hailey found it harsh to the ear and shot back, “Whatever, I’d like to see if you can have another baby as smart, pretty, and cute as me.”

Nancy itched to pinch her. Scott stopped her mother. Her dad held her in his arms and saved her from the disaster. “We won’t have

another baby. I’m content to have my daughter. No one will share my love for her.”

Nancy snorted, “You’ve spoiled her. If you continue to act this way, she will be beyond hope.”

“It’s okay. I’ll get her back.” Scott lifted Hailey high in the air, “Sweetheart, I just want to spoil you.”

Those sweet and happy days. She felt nothing back then but could not experience it again. She was dismayed.

Polly steered the conversation back to the topic. “Who did you leam it from?”

Hailey replied honestly, “A housekeeper who followed my mother for years. They were like sisters to each other. They were as close as

you are with Winnie. She grew up in a family of craftsmen. Her ancestors traded embroidery and her skills were amazing. I was bored at

home and often wore out of my clothes. I would turn to the housekeeper for help. She could always see me through trouble. Seeing that I

was interested, she taught me embroidery in her spare time. I was a quick and patient learner. As time went by, my skills were honed.”

She unfolded the story in a funny and confident way. Polly listened and laughed. “My friend is interested in your embroidery work and

wants to know you. I’ll introduce you to each other when there is a chance.”


“Good,” Hailey agreed.

They chatted for a long time. Albeit reluctantly, Polly ended their conversation since she had taken much of Hailey’s time. Hailey then left

with his bodyguard. Winnie waited for a long time and came out to find Polly. The hostess was seen wheeling herself toward the ward,

and she hurried over.

“Hailey is gone?”

Polly hummed.

Winnie then asked meaningfully, “How was your talk?”

“Pretty good.”

Pretty good? Winnie beamed, asking, “So, Hailey agreed to be with Owen again?”

Polly frowned in confusion. “Well, we didn’t talk about that.”

“No?” Winnie was surprised, “You guys chatted for a long time. What did you talk about?”


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