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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 294

Chapter 294 Dr. Lvan’s Bad Intention.

Feeling Hailey’s anger, Chris unconsciously shivered. Chris thought, “Mr. Moore can make Ms. Newman angry easily” Hailey pondered for

a moment, and said coldly, “Send people to wait at the exit of the train station. As soon as they arrive, they will be taken to the hospital


Chris hesitated and asked. “What if Mr. Moore is not willing to do it and fight with our people?”

Hailey frowned and shouted, “He won’t!”

Chris hurriedly said, “Yes. Yes…”

Chris quickly ordered people to do it. He didn’t know whether Owen was willing or not, but if this errand was not done well, the person

who would be dangerous tomorrow might be him.

When the train arrived in Poya, it was late, and the sunset had already slanted westward. Owen walked out slowly surrounded by a group

of assistants and bodyguards. As soon as he reached the exit, a group of people quickly surrounded him.

Jose was startled, and hurriedly stood in front of Owen with the bodyguards, “Who are you? What do you want to do?”

“Are you Mr. Moore?”

Owen’s face was calm. He raised his eyes slightly, and the eyes under the black peaked cap were long, narrow and quiet. He answered,

“Yes. Did Hailey send you here?”

“Yes.” The comer said, “Ms. Newman has already arranged a hospital for you and gave you two choices, follow us willingly or take away

by us after you are knocked out.”

Jose and the bodyguards were not happy after hearing this. Did the comers just ignore them? Owen didn’t want to resist at all, and said

lightly. “Ill go with you.”

When walking out, Jose muttered silently beside him, “Mr. Moore, are we too shameless?”

There was no shame on Owen’s face, “I want Hailey, not face.”

Jose was speechless and gave up.

Hailey still examined the various details of the opening of the racecourse to ensure that tomorrow’s opening ceremony was perfect. She

was so busy that she didn’t have time to drink water, and her throat was smoking. She had to do it, because the other two partners were

useless. One was stupid and the other escaped.

Matthew, had agreed to come to the racecourse with her, but as soon as they got off the plane, he received a call from a beautiful woman,

and then he left.

Hailey really wanted to show Catherine a picture of Matthew’s wretched look in heat, so that Catherine could know what Matthew was

really like as soon as possible. Hailey hoped that Catherine stopped her affection for Matthew. Why did Catherine like such a bastard!

Catherine might have inherited Hailey’s “blindness”.

Chris came over hurriedly to report to Hailey, saying that Owen had arrived at the station, got into their car, and was sent to a hospital.

Chris said, “Mr. Moore is obedient, and didn’t resist.”

Hailey’s expression still didn’t soften at all, and she snorted softly, “This time he’s smart.” She was still angry. She instructed solemnly,

“When he arrives at the hospital, you ask a doctor to give him a health check. If there is no major problem, let the doctor give him an

anti-inflammatory injection.”

Chris wrote it down, and was about to send the message. Hailey added, “Inject it into his butt.”

Chris’s hand paused when he was about to send the message. He was amused, “Is it appropriate for an adult to be injected on his butt?” Hailey glanced at Chris, “Is it appropriate for him to run out of the hospital after the craniotomy?”

Chris was speechless. Hailey was always good in everything except for her bad temper and being strongly vindictive. Therefore, he would


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