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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 306

Chapter 306 Riding Hailey’s Car (1)

Every underground racer heard about ‘Duke’. They recognized the ‘Rose’ sign. Il one didn’t recognize it, the veterans would not call him ignorant. Instead, they would fanatically tell him her legends. There were lewer female racers, to begin with. One who dominated the ranking list was even rarer. They worshipped her like a


“It’s Duke!”

“Duke is back!”

“Duke, I didn’t expect to see you again. It’s been a long time.”

Different from the crazy crowd, two spectators whispered to each other. “I didn’t expect Hailey to be so cool.

She’s stylish.” Sofia commented, finding Hailey’s mask weird.

Brook gave her a handful of popcorn, responding while eating, “Get used to it. She’s swaggy. Her other

brothers and I can’t beat her in that aspect.”

Sofia ate the popcorn and commented pertinently, “Showoff requires mental qualities and capability. She’s

truly fast.”

“Yep,” Brook echoed. “So, I came to the underground racing club as soon as I learned about her trip here. 1

don’t want to miss the fast and furious moment.”

Sofia looked forward to it and then asked wonderingly, “Why is she called ‘Duke’ here by the way?”

Brook chuckled and explained, “When I brought her here for the first time, she had just attended an event and had no time to change her costume. We came here for fun, but she put on a mask and slipped into the car. Then a new record was set, and she rose to fame. People don’t know her name and call her ‘Duke’ given her


“I see it now.” Sofia nodded and suddenly pictured Jared in a costume. He should look hot in it.

“Ha, you’re eating popcorn.” Hailey came back, saw that they were having a good time, and reminded them,

“Don’t litter the garbage. It’s everyone’s responsibility to protect the environment.”

“I know, I have garbage bags with me.” Brook pulled out a plastic bag from his pocket. Sofia and he then threw

the garbage in it.

Hailey said, “Brook, I’ll take Sofia for a ride first. Bet on my behalf. $100,000 will be fine.”

Sofia’s eyes widened. “Gambling?”

“Just for fun,” Hailey told her to relax. “It’s for charity and totally legit. Don’t worry about it.”

She then started the engine, and the car zoomed away.

In the ward, Owen received a message from a friend at the police station. “Eliza is on parole. Now she’s on the

plane to Poya.”


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