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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 313

Chapter 313 Karl the Chatterbox

Brook and others were enjoying themselves and telling Karl the latest news in the group called Without Hailey.

Just then, Hailey shouted so loudly that they almost dropped their phones.

The whole Garden of Rose was shaken.

Kyle was so scared that he started and paused at the door. The next second, the door opened and he was pulled in by a big hand!

Lily was in the living room downstairs. Hearing Hailey shout, she didn’t get over it until she stroked her chest for

quite a while. “I was so shocked. I thought Mrs. Newman came back to life.”

The maids all burst into laughter. They were thinking the same thing.

Hailey sounded like Mrs. Newman so much.

Mrs. Newman would be like this when Mr. Newman and others chatted secretly without her.

Hailey was furious, complaining about how terrible it was for them to “isolate” her!

At the other end, Karl gave a low chuckle.

“You’re still laughing?”

Hailey became even more furious and she got mad at Karl. “You’re such a bad example.”

Karl said, “What?”

“Why, am I wrong?”

Hailey had a rare moment of aggressiveness in front of Karl and she was unforgiving. “You guys are picking on me in the first place.”

Karl chuckled again and said in a slow voice, “We’ll stop picking on you then.”

“I’ll tell Brook to break up the group.”

He spoke softly and slowly, only a little faster than the sloth. It required a lot of patience to listen to him.

But his Conglish was already much more fluent than it was a few years ago. He was basically speaking it like a


He was even better than many natives in Conglish.

In the beginning, when he wasn’t so fluent, Hailey found it troublesome and tried to speak with him in

Yardeenese, but he refused and insisted on speaking in Conglish, which he thought was the most beautiful language in the world.

He loved those wonderful words, phrases, and sentences.

“That’s more like it.”

Only then did Hailey feel better. She got up on the bed and rubbed her knees.

Karl asked in a lowered voice, “How’s the injury on your forehead?”

After a pause, he added, “Can you fly?”

“Yes, it’s nothing serious.”

Hailey was so good to herself. She applied a thick layer of ointment to her knees and massaged them as she

asked, “Whom will you send to pick me up tomorrow, Karl?”

“A friend of mine,” Karl said lightly.

Hailey was stunned. “A friend? You have a friend?”

Karl said, “What do you mean?”

Hailey grinned. “Nothing. I’m just curious. I’m wondering what kind of person yo

“You’ll know when you see him.”

Karl did not want to say more, and instructed, “You don’t need to bring much luggage tomorrow. You can find everything here.”

There was another pause. “If you need anything, I’ll have it prepared for you.”

“I know.”

Hailey said, “I always go to your place with nothing and come back with a lot of stuff, don’t I?”

It was so shameless, but she said it proudly.

The point was that Karl didn’t see anything wrong with it either.

“Well, that’s right.”

Karl seemed to be in a chatty mood today and asked, “I heard that you robbed Jar of a small antique incense burner?”

“You know it? Karl, you are so good.”

Hailey admired Karl’s ability to get information. Karl was so far away, but he knew what was going on around


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