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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 32

Chapter 032 Do You Admit Your Mistake?

It took two and a half hours to drive from North City to Poya. The outside was

covered in dense clouds, and the sound of the rain was really driving people to sleep. Hailey was not in the mood to chat with Matthew as she put on the blanket and was ready to sleep. Before falling asleep, she warned Matthew, “Don’t make a sound.” After that, she said to Chris, “If he is not obedient, throw him out!” “Don’t worry. I am a good boy,” Matthew assured. “Do you want me to lend you my shoulder?” As Matthew asked, he handed half of his shoulder over.

“No thanks, I am afraid of nightmares,” Hailey rejected. With a yawn, she closed her eyes and ignored him. Looking at the woman who was sleeping soundly with her eyes closed in the

blanket, Matthew chuckled. At the moment, she looked adorable, making people want to hug and kiss her. Taking out his phone, Matthew took a photo of Hailey.

Unfortunately, his act was caught by Chris. As Chris wanted to take Matthew’s phone, his warned with a stern gaze, as if saying “How dare you secretly take a photo!”.

Raising his phone high, Matthew shushed Chris to be quiet. In response to his gaze, Matthew blinked his eyes innocently, implying “I didn’t do it secretly. I took the photo open and aboveboard.” However, Chris forced him to delete the photo. At last, Matthew seemed to have no choice but to delete it, but in fact, he had already saved the photo elsewhere.

The photo of sleeping beauty had to be preserved permanently. Maybe he should send a copy to Owen later. It was such a pity for him not to have a photo of his wife after three years of marriage.

Hailey had a restful sleep. When she woke up, the car had already arrived at

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Poya. It was almost dark As she opened her eyes, Hailey met Matthew’s bright eyes. She couldn’t help but frown. “Why are you still in the car?”

“I’m waiting for you to wake up so that I can discuss with you about

something.” Matthew felt a little wronged and aggrieved. After all, he, Matthew Holland, had always been invincible in love as he could attract a lot of women everywhere he went. But why couldn’t he get Hailey to like him?

Hailey stretched the kinks from her body, and her voice was a little hoarse. “What’s the matter?” “It’s about a racecourse business. I really wish to cooperate with you,” Matthew replied. Taking the water handed over by Chris, Hailey drank half of it to moisten her throat. Then, she opened his mouth and said, “You should show your sincerity if you wish to collaborate. It can’t be fifty-fifty. The most I can offer is thirty percent. I’ll take seventy percent, and you can have thirty.” Hearing that, Matthew narrowed his eyes. “Sixty-forty. You know the strength of

the Holland family in the racecourse. We have abundant horse resources. If you cooperate with me, you won’t be at a disadvantage.” Drinking the remaining half glass of water, Hailey said to Chris, “Let’s draft the

contract.” “Yes,” Chris replied. Matthew smiled. She was more straightforward than he had imagined Raising his eyebrows, Matthew smiled. “Are you not worried that I will use the opportunity to pursue you?”

“I don’t care at all.” Hailey said lazily, “It’s your business whether you want to do the pursuit or not. Likewise, it’s also my business whether I agree or not. If you can make me fall in love with you, it must be because you earn it.” “With your words, I know what to do.” Hearing that, Matthew snapped his


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unaprer USZ W TUU RITHI TV A persistent pursuer could soften the staunchest woman’s heart. Matthew did not believe that he could not take down a woman with his charm!

The cooperation project of the racecourse still needed to be finalized. Matthew got off the car at the entrance of Crystaldale Company. Back in the company, Hailey called for a meeting with the senior management

to announce the plan to transform the land in the northern Suburbs from a golf course to a racecourse. This meeting was naturally held without the knowledge

of Morgan Newman and Reid Newman, and there was no need to inform them.


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