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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 35

Chapter 035 Want an Answer The drama did not affect Hailey’s mood. The fashion charity dinner organized by the magazine “Zero Hour” was held at Grand Veil Hotel. As the leading magazine in the domestic fashion industry, “Zero Hour” had a tremendous influence in the country. The scale and class of their events were getting more and more extravagant. Many stars would fight for an invitation letter from them.

Hailey had an invitation letter, but she did not bring it. Brook took her into the venue. As soon as she appeared, she instantly became the sensation that attracted a lot of attention.

The host was interviewing the stars on the red carpet. The stars smiled brightly at the camera and spoke frankly to the host. After getting enough exposure, they would walk to the front of the photo op to take more photos and sign the board. However, Hailey directly bypassed the red carpet and waved her hand as

a refusal gesture when someone handed her a pen.

Looking at the beautiful woman with an extraordinary aura, the reporters wondered who she was and aimed their cameras at Hailey, but the bodyguards blocked the cameras and stopped them from taking photos. Hailey stood in front of the photo op board with her back facing the cameras

and waited for Brook to finish signing. She asked, “Hey, are you sure there will be porcelain plates? Don’t lie to me.”

Brook handed the pen back to the hostess and walked in with his arm around Hailey’s shoulder. “When have I ever lied to you? Let’s go. I’ll take you to the backstage to see if there are any good stuff. See if you take a fancy to any of them, and I’ll buy them for you as presents.” Before they reached the backstage, they bumped into the chief editor of “Zero Hour”. Brook stretched out his arms and greeted the person, “Hi, Grace!”

Vanessa Kirkland hugged him back and patted his back in annoyance. “You’re

so rude. I’m your aunt! Why are you treating me like one of your buddies?” “But you are my buddy. How is this rude, anyway?” Brook teased. After patting him one more time, Vanessa let go of him and hugged Hailey. “Hello, Hailey. Long time no see. How are you?”

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“I’m fine. Grace, you’re getting younger and younger.” “Oh, you two. Can you please stop mocking me?” Vanessa poked at the two mischievous siblings helplessly. Both Brook and Hailey revealed childish smiles.

Vanessa Kirkland, the chief editor of “Zero Hour”, was Brook’s aunt. She watched Hailey grow up, and they shared a close-knit relationship. Therefore, they often hang around in a casual manner.

Hailey rarely attended this kind of public event. This time, she came for the sake of the antique porcelain plates and also Grace. Since Brook was here, Vanessa took him to socialize. Hailey watched Brook leave in amusement. She wouldn’t mind being alone and wandered to the backstage leisurely.

There were already many people in the venue. They gathered into a small group

and chatted. Hailey walked forward like a lone ranger, looking straight ahead. When she heard a commotion behind her, she simply glanced over casually, but

she suddenly stopped when she saw the familiar figure.

As if sensing something, the figure looked in her direction. Despite the moving figured and countless shriek of surprise and admiration, their eyes met.

Hailey’s heart skipped a beat when she met with his distant and cold gaze as if his eyes had scalded her vision. She gasped and frowned.

Owen! Why was he here?

Then, she saw Matthew, who was walking and flirting with women, and she

seemed to know the answer.

Accompanied by the melodious and brisk piano music, Owen walked through

the crowd with steady and firm steps and stood in front of Hailey. He was still as handsome as ever with his steady posture and calm bearing. It was such a

familiar sight

It was so familiar that even the smell of balsam fir he wore gave Hailey a sense of trance that they were still married and that they were not yet divorced.

If it had not been for the fact that they were in the banquet hall now, she would have been the first to strike up a conversation in usual days. She would welcome him into the house with a cheerful voice. “You’re home!”

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Chapter 035 I Want an Answer He would answer her with silence or a simple and faint hum with a nod.

But this time, Hailey was no longer the one who spoke first, neither was she as enthusiastic and cheerful as before. She stood there coldly, her entire body filled with an intimidating and fearsome aura.

Owen was the first to speak.


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