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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 44

Chapter 044 Collaboration? Who Are You?

“Oh, hello.”

Matthew stood up. Owen paused for a short moment before getting up too.

Hailey’s outfit today was simple and casual. She was wearing a light blue blouse, white straight pants, and a pair of high heels with pearls embedded

around the ankle straps. She casually draped the light gray sweater over her shoulders and tied the sleeves of the sweater at the front.

It looked simple, but it was unspeakably fashionable

Owen narrowed his eyes slightly. Every time Hailey appeared, she would always

give him a pleasant surprise, but none of these surprises reminded him of herself when she was his ex-wife.

In the past, Hailey always wore a homey casual clothes around him. Her long hair was draped over her back or tied up into a bun. Her entire makeover made her look like a good and docile wife.

It was not that he did not like her, but he felt that she was like a fraud who deliberately tried to please him all the time.

That kind of feeling irritated him very much.

The current Hailey, who was standing in front of him right now, was her true self.

Although it would occasionally make him feel like she was a stranger, he enjoyed seeing her like this. “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.” Matthew walked forward and

stretched out his arms to hug Hailey, but she stopped his advancement with her finger and pushed him away. She retracted her finger in disgust and rebuked coldly, “Don’t hug me the moment we meet. I don’t know you that well.” Owen frowned because of Matthew’s unexpected action, but relaxed after

hearing Hailey’s words and smiled with satisfaction. “Well, she refuses him. Good” he thought to himself.

The confident Matthew winked at her with a grin. “We’ll know each other better after a few hugs, don’t you think?”

Chapter 144 LolbUJUIN VINTILI

Hailey walked straight to the elevator, disregarding him. “Please notify me in advance next time you’re coming. I don’t have a fixed

schedule. What if you come all the way here, and I’m not available? I don’t want to waste your time, Mr. Holland.”

Despite her seemingly kind words, Hailey simply despised him for coming uninvited and coming so early in the morning. Matthew beckoned Owen to follow him and responded to Hailey, “I don’t mind. I don’t have a lot on my plate and always do things as I please. I thought of you, so I came to meet you. I’m sorry for coming at this hour, but it’s not my fault. Mr. Moore here insisted that we came.” Hailey went straight to the elevator exclusive for the president Matthew quickly

followed her, but just as Owen was about to get in, the bodyguards stopped him. Matthew hurriedly said, “He’s with me

Then, he turned to Hailey and explained, “Mr. Moore is very interested in the business of the horse track and wants to collaborate with us.”

“I only agreed to collaborate with you.” Hailey was expressionless

“Well, adding one more business partner does us no harm. The more the merrier.” Matthew grinned, turned back to look at Owen, who was stopped outside the elevator, and gestured to him with his eyes. “Say something, will you?!” Matthew was so frustrated at this point, but Owen looked calm and


“Miss Newman, I want to participate in the business of the equestrian track in

the northern Suburbs.”

Hailey calmly looked at him. Her clear and bright eyes did not contain any emotion. She coldly looked at him for a while before parting her red lips slightly and saying in an indifferent tone,

“You want to work with me? Who are you?”


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