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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 62

Chapter 062 He Was The One Who Screwed It Up

When Hailey was expressionless and told him word by word that she no longer loved him, Owen felt that his heart stopped beating for a moment. It turned out that disappointment and sadness were such a feeling.

It was not that he hadn’t been abandoned. When Eliza proposed to break up with him, he was angry. He felt that she did not trust him enough and believe that he could protect her. At that time, he believed that the relationship really could not stand the test of reality, and he completely closed his heart.

When Hailey appeared by his side, it was the years when his health and

temperament were the worst. He didn’t even give her a smile or say a good word to her

Now, if it wasn’t for the “love” that supported her, how could she have stayed by his side for so long? “I’m sorry.” Owen apologized to her again, “I screwed everything up.” Hailey smiled lightly and coldly, “You just didn’t like me. What did you do wrong?” Owen, “…” “All right.” Hailey didn’t let him go on. She didn’t have a habit of being pitied. “You don’t have to pity me. I didn’t want to tell you this before because I felt that since we’ve been divorced, there’s no need to talk about the past. Now I’m telling you because Matthew is a big mouth who told you

everything that shouldn’t be said. Instead of letting others say unwarranted things, I should make it clear to you myself so that you can relax and don’t need to be attached to the answer to the question.” Owen nodded, “It’s good to hear.” “Now that we’ve talked about it, we can put our personal affairs aside. Let’s talk about business.” Hailey looked at Owen, who had a stunned expression, and obviously hadn’t withdrawn from the conversation just now. Perhaps he was still immersed in the shock of being “admired” by her. What was so surprising? In the past, everyone knew that Hailey liked Owen. And everyone except him could see how much she loved him. Now Hailey had had enough of love. For the rest of her life, she just wanted to love herself. She didn’t want to love anymore.

She was in a calm mood, and her voice was cold, “Mr. Moore, I like to

distinguish between business and private matters, and I don’t like to confuse | business affairs with private affairs. I used to refuse to cooperate with you

because we still have an unclear relationship, which made me feel awkward. Now that we have spoken out, there is no need to be hypocritical. Business is business, private is private. And now, I sincerely invite you to join the Northern Suburbs Racecourse Project and become my partner.” Hailey reached out to Owen with a sincere attitude and was neither humble nor arrogant, like facing an ordinary business partner. There were ten seconds of silence. Owen’s eyes were deep, and he stared at Hailey quietly for a long time before slowly stretching out his hand and shaking hands with her. The two hands, which were also covered in thick calluses, overlapped like two stubborn and unyielding souls intertwined. “Wish us a good cooperation.”


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