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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 70

Chapter 070 The Sister Who Lived On Them While Helping Others


Hailey returned to the Garden of Rose with his second brother Jared. Jared

stood in the yard, looking at the roses that were still bright and dazzling in the night, and slowly crouched down beside the flower bed, smelling the roses as if he smelled his mother. After all, the last time he came to the Garden of Rose was at the funeral of his mother. In a flash, three years had passed. Hailey patted Jared on the shoulder, comforted him, and took him in. The servants in the Garden of Rose were very surprised when the first lady brought back a man, not knowing the man’s identity. Lily greeted him excitedly and shouted, “Brother Jared.” “Lily, long time no see.” Jared stretched out his arms and hugged Lily. Ava stood behind Hailey, looking at such a scene, and there were a lot of doubts in her heart. To be honest, she had a feeling of deja vu about Jared. She seemed to have seen Jared somewhere, but she couldn’t remember it, and sister Hailey kept calling him “brother Jared”, which seemed not to be the kind of relationship between men and women, just like her calling Brook “little brother”. But Hailey was the only daughter of the eldest uncle and the eldest aunt. She didn’t have any elder cousins. Could it be a relative from the aunt’s side, her cousin? Ava didn’t know the origin of the eldest aunt’s identity but only remembered that when the eldest uncle wanted to marry the eldest aunt, the second uncle and her father were strongly opposed, saying that the eldest aunt was an ominous woman and would bring disaster to Newman sooner or later. But the eldest uncle defied all opinions and resolutely married the eldest aunt. After the marriage, with the great help of the aunt, the eldest uncle’s career became more and more prosperous. Crystaldale was even the most successful one in Poya. Those who once did not think highly of their marriage were slapped in the face and gradually shut up until a car accident came. The untimely death of an excellent and successful entrepreneur like the eldest uncle made everyone sigh, and those who said that the aunt was ominous started commenting again. Even her father, Reid, was talking at home, “What do I say, that woman Luo Yin is ominous, you can see from her face, which is too beautiful. Maybe she’s the reincarnation of a vixen. I advise my eldest brother not to marry her. He didn’t listen. Guess what? It’s real now!” Ava didn’t know whether she was ominous or not. She only knew that her aunt



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