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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 82

Chapter 082 Stop Messing with Him!

The car did not go far and Hailey immediately let the driver turn around, back to the Poyaland Lane

She didn‘t hang up the phone. In Poya, Hailey knew every single alley and road much better than Owen

did, Jose just gave her a general location and she knew the direction. Then she rushed over with Chris

and other people and found them.

When they arrived, Owen was lying on the ground covered in blood. His neat and tidy suit had been

stained. Blood was dripping down the side of his face, and his cheeks were bruised.

The scene struck Hailey and her pupils shrank heavily. She heard from Jose on the phone that Owen was

attacked, but she didn‘t expect him to be hurt like this. Who could do this?

“Madam, you‘re here!” Jose was so panicked that he didn‘t dare to move a bit while holding Owen, afraid

that he would cause second damage. Then he would be a big sinner and could never be redeemed!

He had called the ambulance and the police, but they were not as fast as Hailey.

Hailey rushed over, looking at the injuries all over Owen, and her face instantly became icy cold, “Who did


“I have no idea.” Jose shook his head. He was so worried that he almost cried out, “Mr. Moore said he

wanted to have a walk. We followed, but lost him halfway. When we arrived we saw several people in

black put Mr. Moore into a sack and beat him. We came over but they ran away.” If he hadn‘t seen it with

his own eyes, he wouldn‘t have believed that his boss would have been beaten like this. It was so tragic.

“Owen, Owen.” Hailey patted Owen‘s face and said his name. She patted hard, and Jose even felt the pain

for him, “Madam, be gentle, be gentle...”

“Put him down.” Hailey ignored him, picked the sack that had been thrown aside, and laid it under Owen.

She lay down to listen to his heartbeat, felt for his pulse, and groped over him.

Jose looked at Hailey‘s action with jaws dropped. If it was a doctor doing it so professionally, he would

feel that it was checking Owen‘s body. But when Hailey did this, he just felt like she was taking

advantage of Owen


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