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Love Slave to My Devil CEO Boss 18+ novel Chapter 317

“I think you all should go crash at home,” Ace said as he turned to address Julianna and her team.

“We’ll stay here till the first report comes in,” Julianna replied while sounding quite stubborn.

“Fine. Do what you want…” Ace muttered in resignation.

“Thank you. Don’t worry, we’re fine…” Julianna replied with a smile.

I could understand why Julianna didn’t want to go home. If I were her, I would probably do the exact same thing. After spending the entire night working with her team to fix the situation that we were in, who wouldn’t want to be in the office along with everyone else to see their effort bear fruit. I prayed that everything would be smooth sailing and that the result would turn out just as Julianna had expected.

“Is there something that I can help out with?” I asked Ace hopefully.

“Nope. Nothing at all. Let’s wait patiently for the report to come in. In the meantime, if you have anything to take care of, you can go ahead,” Ace replied casually.

There wasn’t much on my plate, but I felt so restless that I couldn’t seem to sit still the way that Ace could. Since I couldn’t think of anything productive to do, I decided to head to Ace’s office to help tidy things up and sort some documents into storage. It seemed like the least that I could do, and it would also serve the purpose of keeping me busy.

“I’ll be in your office then…” I told him softly.

With a nod of approval from Ace, I silently left the war room to head to his office. Being back at my usual work desk felt pleasantly relaxing in a strange way. I guessed after being away from it for quite some time, it was nice to return. There wasn’t much on my desk, but I was sure that there were documents that I could help sort out and manage in Ace’s room.

Seeing Ace’s personal office without him inside it made me feel slightly empty inside. The room was silent and that made me feel a little lonely as I stepped in and closed the door behind me. Ace alternated between the war room and his private office. After all, there were probably work and calls that he couldn’t work on in the war room with many team members around.

“How did his desk end up so messy?” I murmured to myself as I approached the large table.


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