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Love Slave to My Devil CEO Boss 18+ novel Chapter 318

This was probably a part of what he had been trying desperately to hide from me. Even after seeing it, I still haven’t discovered what he planned to do except to perhaps have a building constructed. I didn’t even know where the building was going to be located or what it was going to be used for.

Suddenly, I felt slightly nauseous, and my temples started to throb as I struggled to deal with the void of emptiness that seemed to have taken shape inside of me. Although I had been trying desperately to deal with it silently and telling myself to be patient, I still hated the fact that Ace was keeping secrets from me.

The worst part out of all of this was the piercing painful feeling that sprang up in my chest when I thought that Ace did not want to share his future with me. It felt like I was an outsider, and he was treating me like one. Not telling me anything and always keeping me in the dark. I stared down at the blueprint again as I wondered if the future that Ace envisioned for himself had me in it.


I turned around so fast that I almost fell forward onto my face at the sound of Ace calling my name. To say that I was surprised would be a vast understatement. Reflexively, my hands moved to hide the blueprint away behind me as I tried desperately to shield it away from Ace’s sight using my body.

Why am I hiding it?

“Ace…” I whispered his name before I tried my best to offer him a smile.

“Did something happen?” he asked as his eyes searched my face.

“No…nothing happened…” I replied as my heart raced painfully fast in my chest.

“Are you, ok? Your face looks kind of pale...” he asked.

That’s probably because you walked in so suddenly while I was doing something that I shouldn’t have and that made me feel like a criminal who had just been caught red-handed.

I couldn’t believe how flustered I was. Even my hands were shaking, and it was amazing to me how I could still manage to have a conversation with Ace.

“I’ll take note to apply more blush on tomorrow,” I replied teasingly to cover up how nervous I actually was.

I wished that he would just leave. Wasn’t Ace supposed to be in the war room along with the others?

I wasn’t done clearing his desk because I got so distracted with the blueprint that I found and my own messy thoughts that came about as a result of my unexpected discovery. Ace didn’t seem convinced with my little joke because he continued staring at my face with a worried look on his.

“I’m fine. You don’t have to worry. I thought you were working with the others. Do you need something here?” I asked as my hand shoved back the blueprint behind me.

I had no idea if Ace even knows that he left that blueprint laying around here on his desk or not. However, I didn’t want him to know that I had seen it.


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