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Love Slave to My Devil CEO Boss 18+ novel Chapter 319

We did it?

“Really? Did the amount of donation go up?” I asked as his words caught my attention.

Ace smiled warmly down at me before he slowly nodded his head in confirmation. My eyes widened even further, and for a moment, I was at a loss for words. Thankfully, we were finally seeing some positive results and some good news. I let out a sigh of relief before I tried my best to smile up brightly at Ace.

“Come along. You can listen to Julianna blab about her success,” Ace said as he grabbed my wrist.

He turned around and began pulling me along with him down the hallway. I let him lead me wherever he wanted me to. I was just so relieved that Project Alpha seemed to be back on track. There wasn’t a lot of time left until the announcement of the winner of the competition and then everything that I had been waiting for and dreading would happen all at once.

Ace would quit his job and he would no longer work here. I wouldn’t have the chance to work with Ace like this anymore. I stared down at his hand holding onto my wrist as we continued walking and it brought a painful tightness to my chest and then a stinging sensation to the back of my eyes. I had to look away and sniff a couple of times to keep my tears away. It was just so heart wrenching when I thought that our time working together would be cut short. Regret felt heavy and painful, and it made me realize that I wished that I could have had more time with Ace.

On the bright side, I’ll finally find out what Ace had planned for himself after his retirement from this place. Maybe he would follow his passion and I was determined to support him no matter what it was. There was a small hope inside of me that he would allow me to be part of the future that he dreamt of.

“Rina…” Ace called my name.

“Huh?” I murmured as I suddenly snapped out of my thoughts.

“Stop spacing out. What are you thinking about?” he asked as he stared down into my upturned face.

“Umm…about how great it is that we got some positive results,” I replied.

“You should see for yourself,” Ace said as he pushed the door to the war room open.

I quickly pulled my hand out of his before anyone saw us. It would be bad if people found out about secret relationship now of all times. Everyone’s focus, including mine, should be on ensuring that Project Alpha turned out to be a success. There was no time for anyone to lose focus, at least, that was what I tried desperately to remind myself.

“Oh, Ace you’re back…” Julianna said as she clapped her hands together.

“Rina is back too,” Jeremy added.

The two of them headed over to greet me and I could see the clear excitement on their faces. Ace must have been understating the level of success when he told me about the positive results. Judging from my two colleagues’ reactions and the joyous atmosphere in the room, it felt like the competition was already ours.

“You’re making me so excited too. May I see it?” I asked with a smile.

Promising Results 1

Promising Results 2


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