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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 212

Chapter 212

“Jeremy! Jeremy, you have to believe me! You can’t condemn me for that madman Tanner’s nonsense! Have you forgotten the days when we were at the beach? You said that I was the most innocent and kindest girl you’ve ever met! You said that you’d always be with me and make me your bride, that you would protect me and trust me forever. Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy!”

Meredith did not think that Jeremy would ignore her up until this point.

Seeing the sports car zipping away, Meredith stamped her feet in anger.

“Madeline, you b*tch! Why couldn’t you just die in peace?!”

She turned around angrily and entered the villa. Seeing Jackson who was carrying his school bag and heading out, Meredith stepped forward while sending the servant to go buy vegetables. This left only her and Jackson in the house.

Jackson looked at Meredith, his beautiful black eyes filled with defensiveness and repulsion. His little hand was gripping the shoulder strap of his school bag.

The more she looked at him, the more hateful he became!

Meredith rolled her eyes at Jackson with extreme disgust, suddenly stretching out her hand to grab Jackson’s thin little arm.

Jackson did not speak, but his body resisted. In the end, he was still just a five-year-old child who was unable to repel the strength of an adult.

Meredith dragged him to the utility room, pushed him in without any explanation, and locked the door.


Jackson slapped the door hard.

Meredith kicked the door viciously. “Shut up, you annoying child! I knew I should’ve strangled you when you were in the belly of that b*tch, Madeline!”

She cussed and transferred all her resentment as well as dissatisfaction onto Jackson.

After struggling and crying for help, Jackson finally shrank helplessly in the dark corner while hugging his small body tightly.


The readers' comments on the novel: Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman