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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 213

Chapter 213

Madeline stared at the deep, sea-like eyes in front of her with curiosity. “What’s the matter?”

“I hope that you can help me find out the truth,” Jeremy said the words softly, his deep eyes pleading with anticipation.

After Madeline quietly listened to what Jeremy wanted her to help him with, she was surprised.

She thought for a moment before nodding.

“Okay, I’ll help you.”

“Thank you.” Jeremy thanked her.

At this moment, Madeline vaguely saw a faint smile in Jeremy’s eyes, but it was fleeting. Madeline never thought that she could be herself again.

Jeremy took her to the beauty salon. Madeline saw that Jeremy had shown a photo to the stylist, and the stylist nodded to express their understanding.

Madeline did not know what photo Jeremy showed the stylist, but she saw herself in the mirror an hour later.

Her long, dark, and smooth hair set off her clean and elegant face, giving her the illusion of having come from worlds away.

Afterward, Jeremy took Madeline to the villa.

Looking at the villa that used to be their wedding home, Madeline’s heart carried mixed emotions, but there was an ironic smile on her lips.

She followed Jeremy in and upstairs.

Three years had passed.

She did not expect that she would step into this house again one day, into the bedroom that she had once shared with him.

As soon as she entered, Madeline smelled a faint and unique fragrance. She was familiar with the fragrance of this incense because she had made it herself.

It was also after her ‘rebirth’ that she discovered her sense of smell was sharper than that of ordinary people. When she was bored with designing, she would study some spices and incense to broaden her knowledge and creativity.

She did not want to have herself be the pretty dunce who blindly chased after love.

Jeremy took her to the closet. He opened the closet, and the neatly arranged dresses in front of him surprised Madeline a little.


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