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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 25

When Ava heard this, she became worried. “Madeline, Crawford, what on earth are you saying?”

“I’m serious.” Madeline smiled lightly. She looked at the azure ocean in front of her, and the beautiful memories resurfaced in her head once again.

“This is where Jeremy and I pledged our love to each other,” she said before quickly correcting herself, “Or rather, this is where my one-sided love began.”

Ava was stunned. Then, her brain registered what was going on. “So this is the place where you first met each other.”

Madeline nodded and closed her eyes. The sunlight shone down on her round but bony face. “Back then, he told me, ‘Linnie, when we grow up, I’ll take you as my bride’.”

Madline said before slowly reopening her eyes. Subsequently, tears escaped her eyes and silently rolled down her cheeks.

Ava was furious. “All men are liars! Jeremy knew how to lie to girls at such a young age; you even fell into his trap!”

“Yeah, I thought he was sincere. Not only did I think that, but I even thought that he was serious.”

“Maddie, just give up. That man is not worth your love,” Ava advised. She felt sad at the thought of how invested Madeline was in him.

However, Madeline smiled. “Ava, it has been 12 years. I can’t let him go.”

Her love for him was bone deep. It was in her every breath.

How could it be easy for her to just let him go?

“So, you’re willing to sacrifice your life for that man?”

After Ava said that, an icy gust of wind howled, and its coldness spreaded throughout Madeline’s heart.

“As long as he’s happy.”

She had lost herself ever since she fell for him when she first saw him.

“Maddie, I don’t think I’ll have the chance to give birth to the child.”


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