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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 26

Madeline was surprised by Jeremy’s attitude. However, she did not try to flatter him like she used to. She calmly asked, “What do you want to talk about, Mr. Whitman?”

Jeremy was unhappy with how Madeline was addressing him that way. “What did you call me?”

“Is there any difference? You never pay attention to me anyway, Mr. Whiteman.”

Jeremy frowned. After a few moments of silence, he said, “Mer’s stomach is getting bigger and bigger. I want to give her status.”

Even though Madeline knew Jeremy would force her to divorce him one day, it still felt like a bolt from the blue now that it was happening.

Madeline looked at the frigid man in front of her. She laughed in self-mockery. “What about me?”

She asked. All of a sudden, she felt like she and the baby in her stomach were the biggest jokes in the world.

Jeremy’s intense and piercing gaze landed on Madeline’s face. “If you remain obedient, we can stay this way.”

Madeline burst out laughing after being dazed. “Mr. Whitman, are you saying that you want your legally wedded wife to become your mistress? You want that shameless mistress to be in my position, is that it?”

After she said that, Jeremy’s face turned so dark that it looked horrifying.

Madeline felt a pang of pain in her heart. She bit her lip and clenched her fists. “Jeremy, unless I die, I won’t let that two-faced b*tch Meredith get her way!”

After Madeline said that, she turned around and went upstairs to lock herself in her room.

Her heart was beating frantically. She was so scared that she would beg him to not divorce her if she were slightly slower.

After all, she had never changed her wish. As long as she could stay with him, she would be happy and satisfied.

However, his heartlessness was way beyond her imagination despite him having promised that he would stay with her forever.

Madeline moved out. She did not dare face Jeremy. She was scared that he would hand her the divorce papers once more. Not to mention, she was also scared that he would try to do everything he could to kill the baby in her stomach for Meredith’s sake.

She had thought that Jeremy would ask about her after she moved out. However, a few days passed, and he never called her. It was obvious that he had not been home for those few days.


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