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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 323

Chapter 323

Madeline spoke unhurriedly as she took out her mobile phone and showed a phone number on the screen.

Everyone looked over, and Meredith was stunned when she saw a string of numbers displayed on the screen.

She did not understand it at first, but after watching for a few seconds, her face went green as her eyes flickered.

Seeing her panicking and shirking, Madeline smiled comfortably.

“Miss Crawford, why aren’t you speaking? Do you find this number familiar? Of course, you’re familiar with it, because this is your foster mother, Rose Tanner’s, phone number.”

Madeline smiled and walked gracefully to Meredith. Her elegant and proud temperament had crushed Meredith in seconds.

“Miss Crawford, you’re indeed very smart. You were afraid that if the incident was exposed, you would draw fire to yourself, so you used your foster mother’s mobile phone to contact the four hoodlums. Now, the phone still retains the call records from the time. Even if they’ve been cleared, one can just go to the telecommunications company to check the records and it’ll be clear at a glance.

“Oh, there’s one more thing. Those hoodlums also have the habit of recording every time they make a transaction. So, do you want me to play the recording now for everyone present?”

“…” Meredith widened her eyes in shock, her face looking pale.

The guests who had just said they would support Meredith in denouncing Madeline were already staring at her angrily.

Who would have thought that plot would reverse like this!

They had said they wanted to support Meredith, but this was really a slap in the face. They had almost wronged the innocent.

Madeline looked at the scene around her with satisfaction and chuckled. “Meredith, do you still dare say that you’re the victim?”


“For the sake of your relationship, Jeremy was willing to sacrifice his friend, me, by wanting to help you. But you just don’t know what’s good or bad for you. You just had to unite with your good mother to condemn me and Jeremy on such an occasion. Are you satisfied with the result?”

As Madeline spoke, she looked at Eloise and Mrs. Whitman who looked embarrassed and shocked.

“Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Whitman, what now? Do you still want to look into this? Do you want to call the police? Or do you want me to call the police for you?”


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