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Madeline Crawford and Jeremy Whitman novel Chapter 324

Chapter 324

He had never gotten so angry in front of others before, but today, he did it for Vera. He was breaking his usually regal and noble visage.

“Jeremy, you heard what Rose said. Meredith is the victim. She’s innocent!” Eloise suddenly emphasized. She would rather believe Rose’s explanation than Meredith’s despicableness.

“Aren’t you going to hurry up and let go of that woman? Where is Meredith’s place in this?”

Of course, Jeremy would not let Madeline go. Instead, he hugged her even tighter and glanced at the woman in his arms softly.

“I will never let go of this woman in my life. As for your daughter, I’ve already canceled my engagement with her. Don’t make me repeat it.”

As Jeremy spoke with such a leisurely tone, he hugged Madeline and turned directly into the house.

Eloise watched this scene dumbly, gritting her teeth with anger.

This scene was so offending, hateful, and embarrassing for Meredith!

Jeremy had completely denied their marriage in front of so many people, even publicly announcing his determination for Vera.

How could this be tolerated?

Jeremy hugged Madeline as they went directly to his room here.

Although he rarely came back to live here, there was always someone who cleaned the room. Madeline smelled a familiar fragrance as soon as she entered.

It was the aromatherapy kit she had personally blended. It had the effect of calming and aiding with sleep.

Mr. Whitman had gotten someone to buy two boxes for Jeremy as he experienced problems sleeping.

Madeline put on her dress again in the bathroom. When she returned to the bedroom, she saw Jeremy standing in front of the windowsill.

He was wearing a clean and pressed white shirt. The warm autumn sun was shining on his handsome face. His quiet appearance at the moment reminded her of the first time she had seen him in college.


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