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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 140

Chapter 140

"Every day, I forced her to read those love letters written other girls wrote to me, just because I wanted to receive one from her. I thought she could get this hint, but till now, I have never received a letter from her, not to mention the love letter..."

"I love her so much that I have gone to great lengths to keep her by my side! Even though I knew deep down that we had no future together, I still did it! Even if I just had her once, it's better than never having her at all..."

Bennett said desperately as if he wanted to pour his heart out.

Finally, he straightened up and stared at the man in the wheelchair, asking, "Warren, you compete with me for the inheritance, and now you even want to take her from me, too?"

Warren tightened his grip on the armrest and replied with a grim face, "You have grown a lot in recent years. However..."

He pointed at Catalina's hand and said, "It seems she has already agreed."

Catalina shook her head and said in tears, "I'm sorry, Bennett... I..."


Warren didn't give him any more chances to speak. He took Catalina's hand, and they walked into the house.

Bennett was left alone behind them.

Catalina didn't dare to look back.

She was afraid that Bennett would find out about those things...

However, Warren held her hand and declared in triumph, "Our wedding is set for the fifth of next month."


It was only five days away.

Was he really that eager?

Catalina took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

She couldn't be impulsive anymore.

To Catalina, those five days passed in the blink of an eye.

It felt as if one moment ago, she was still with Bennett, and now, she was wearing fine makeup and a white wedding gown, standing before the sacred altar, and receiving blessings from the priest and all the guests.

In the past five days, Bennett never showed up.

She only heard that on the very day she got married, Bennett was planning to get engaged again.

To Hana.

Was he doing it on purpose?

Catalina shook her head. She broke his heart first, so she couldn't blame Bennett for finding someone else.

Maybe... their relationship had truly reached its end.

Catalina knew, from now on, she and Bennett could never go back to how they used to be.

Whether it was four years ago, when she followed him around, or four years later, when they lived together, laughing and teasing each other...

All of these were in the past!

Just then, she heard the solemn question from the priest standing in front of her.

"Mr. Shaffer, do you take Ms. Grant as your lawful wife?"

"I do!"

Sitting in the wheelchair, Warren held Catalina's hand and answered without hesitation.

The priest continued, "You should care for your wife with tenderness and patience, respect her, and remain faithful to her. You should treat her family as your own and fulfill your duties as a husband for a lifetime. Will you make this commitment in front of everyone?"

Warren looked into Catalina's eyes and spoke, "I do! No matter what comes our way, I am willing to cherish her, respect her, protect her, and remain devoted to her. I will never cheat on her. I will love her for the rest of my life."

Catalina's eyes welled up with tears.

Not because she was moved, but because Warren's commitment to her was too heavy for her.

His commitment weighed down on her just like a heavy burden, making it hard for her to breathe.

"Now, Ms. Grant, do you take Mr. Shaffer as your lawful husband? Are you willing to love and support him, to live with him, to respect his family as your own, to be a dutiful wife, and remain faithful to him for the rest of your life? Will you make this commitment in front of everyone?"

The priest asked Catalina.

Each word hit her heart.

Was she willing?

For some reason, at that instant, all that flashed through her mind were the moments she had shared with Warren.

From innocent school days to the time when they were a couple.

Those memories replayed in her mind like a movie, and she was unable to shake them off as if she were under a spell.



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