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Marriage Without Love: Sir, Please Stop novel Chapter 141

Chapter 141 

Maggie stepped forward to apologize on behalf of Catalina, but Warren paid her no attention. He was sitting silently in the wheelchair, with his back turning to her. 

Finally, Maggie sighed and left with other family members. 

What was once a grand wedding ended up like this now. 

Perhaps, everything had gone wrong right from the beginning! 

Emery, as the bridesmaid, was the last one to leave the church. 

As she stood below the stage, she gazed at Warren's forlorn figure. She felt her heart was wrenched, which left her almost breathless. 

Warren looked so pitiful and fragile. 

After hesitating for a while, Emery finally gathered the courage to approach him. 

"Mr. Shaffer, Lina..." 

Warren raised his head. 

There was sadness in his eyes. 

With a bitter smile, he said, "I should have gotten used to it. Since childhood, I've never been able to compete with Bennett for the things I wanted." 

After saying that, Warren turned away, moved the wheelchair forward, and left. 

Emery stared at him and sensed a sense of sorrow beside his aloofness. It was as if he was concealing his true feelings under the mask, and he didn’t want to be easily seen through by others. 

What had he gone through in his life? 

At the same time... 

Besides Catalina's running away from the wedding, something else was happening. 

Bennett's engagement ceremony also took place. 

On the stage, Hana held her head high with pride under the spotlight. Basking in the envy and admiration of the crowd, she walked toward the groom step by step. 

She had coveted him for years. 

Finally, he would be hers! 

How could she not be excited and proud? 

From this day on, she would become the object of envy for women all over the world. 

Amidst the gazes of the crowd, the bride and groom stood on the grand stage adorned by an ocean of flowers. 

The guests kept applauding. 

Cameras in the reporters' hands were flashing incessantly, along with the clicking sound of camera shutters. 

The priest was already standing at the center of the stage, ready to read the wedding vows. 

"Mr. Shaffer, do you..." 

"Please wait a moment." 

Bennett raised his hand, signaling for a pause. 

Everyone looked at him in surprise. 

Hana also looked shocked. 

With one hand in his pocket, Bennett strode confidently along the T-shaped stage which was adorned with rose petals, until he was at the front of the stage. 

The spotlight followed him as he walked. 

In the darkness, he looked like a king and attracted the attention of the entire audience. 

At last, he stopped when he reached the front of the T-shaped stage. 

He looked at his mother, Carolyn, who was seated among the guests, and said, "The reason I came up here today is to have a talk with my mother. Mom, you only need to focus on your own life. Please stop interfering with mine! And in the future, I won't meddle in my child's life either. I just want to try my best and live my own life to the fullest. Moreover, I'll do anything to protect anyone I love, whether it's today or for the rest of my life and even if it means sacrificing everything!" 

His words caused a stir in the entire venue. 

Carolyn's face turned pale. 

She clutched the string of wooden beads in her hand tightly. 

She was furious and tried to suppress her anger when she considered the reporters present. 

Bennett deliberately chose this wedding day to make this declaration, to show his mother and Hana his attitude. 

He wanted to make it clear through his words and actions that he was not a pawn to be manipulated. 

Threaten him? 

When had he ever been afraid? 

After he finished speaking, Bennett turned to Hana, who was wearing the wedding dress. 

"And you, Hana!" 

"Sorry, but you're definitely not the woman I want to protect for the rest of my life. I’m standing on this stage with you today not because I want to marry you. It's simply to make a statement in front of all the reporters to you and my mother that you shouldn’t even dream of controlling my life! Also, I would never marry a vicious woman! You're not worthy of being Mrs. Shaffer!" 



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