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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) novel Chapter 1043

Chapter 1043 Cheap Damien

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure," Damien countered, a sly smile emerging. "I bet your teacher remembers that little incident quite vividly."

A stunned silence descended upon the table.

Cherise, raised in a mountain village's harsh yet beautiful environment, had always known the power of education. College entrance exams became her holy grail, and she studied with unwavering determination. This seriousness, however, came at a cost.

Throughout high school, her peers perceived Cherise as unyielding, frumpy, and socially awkward. Basically, a bookworm who preferred the company of pages over people.

It was no surprise then that she became the target of her classmates' not-so-subtle bullying.

Cherise, the wise soul she was, knew arguing with them was pointless, so she ignored them and focused on her dreams.

These memories were a distant, dusty box in Cherise's mind. But Damien, bless his heart, seemed to know all about it.

Cherise watched Damien in stunned silence. The way he stood up for her and the unexpected fierceness in his defense against those women tugged at her heartstrings. She hadn't realized how much he cared.

An awkward silence stretched across the table. Finally, the big guy who called Cherise over decided to break the ice. "Alright, alright, let's forget the drama. We're all stuck here at the same table, might as well enjoy the food, right? Besides, fate brought us together, no point in dwelling on old stuff."

He turned to Cherise with a forced smile. "What do you say, Cherry?"

Cherise took a slow sip of her wine. "The past is water under the bridge for me, but some people just never lose their annoying ways, no matter how much time passes."


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