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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) novel Chapter 1052

Chapter 1052 The Sinister Ultimatum

As Cherise was about to react, a mysterious number lit up her phone.

She narrowed her eyes and answered, "Hello?"


The voice on the other end sent a chill down her spine.

"If I can't have you, I'll make sure you're destroyed,"

The hoarse male voice on the other end of the line was laced with madness and malice as he delivered the chilling ultimatum

That voice...

A name she had hoped never to hear again began to reverberate in her mind's darkest corners…

Her heart constricted with dread. "Sebastian!?"

"Yes," came the ominous confirmation.

The man's sinister sneer cut through the air like a blade. "I didn't think you'd recognize my voice, not in this state. Do those pathetic feelings for me still linger, despite everything?"

Cherise pressed her lips together, trembling with fear, ready to end the call.

But Sebastian's relentless interrogation continued with a chilling edge. "Did today's wedding bring back memories, Cherise?"

"You and Savannah were quite close back in high school, weren't you?"

"And we both know how sentimental you can be. Remember when Savannah saved your life…"

"If her boyfriend handed her over to me, what would you do?"

Cherise's breath caught in her throat. "Impossible!"

Gritting her teeth, she asked, "Sebastian, what do you want?"

"I don't want anything," Sebastian replied calmly.

The man's cold chuckle echoed through the phone. "I've been deserted by everyone. My father, my sister—they've all abandoned me."

"All my assets are frozen, and Damien has seized control of my Weiss Group."


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