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Mates But Enemies novel Chapter 31

I must say it was scary when they looked at each other that way and astonishing, their eyes changed into the same color. And before I knew it I was in my son's room with him, he stared at me confused then asked,

“Mom, why did you do that? I was communicating with the being inside him. And he was happy I was one of him. ”

I nodded and thought, ‘of course he will be after all you are of the same kind. ’

He looked at me then said surprisingly,

“I heard that, but mom, something within you seem to hate him why? As for me, I even feel like we are of the same fresh. Can you believe that? Were you mistaken about someone else being my Dad and not him. ”

Then out of nowhere, she shouted at him angrily, something I had never done,

“Shut up will you? Why are you asking so many questions huh?”

I immediately closed my mouth tightly as I tried to stop myself speaking more. He touched my hands and asked his eyes suddenly blue and said,

“Accept the reality, he is his father, stop hating him for something he now knows nothing about. And tell them the truth about what you know. ”

I looked on confused as to what was happening because I knew what was speaking through my son was what was in me too. Which meant that I wasn't mad and it was something in me but I didn't know about before. I thought of what to do but what he said about the truth wasn't leaving my head. So I touched my son and apologized and also asked,

“Leo, I am sorry I shouted at you, but do you have any idea about what you just said?”

He shook his head and retrieved to his bed and laid on it then he whispered,

“Mom,what do you think is happening to us? Something seems to be inside me and it speaks to me occasionally, at first I thought it was just me. But now, I don't know any more. ”

I sighed and looked at him and whispered back,

“I have no idea too, but I think it's time to talk to your grandpa. He might have answers to some of our questions. ”

He nodded and gave his back to me, I laid beside him for a while till he fell asleep. And I left the room then made my way to my father's office because that was the only place apart from his bed room he always stayed. I got to the door and heard him speaking to my mom,


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