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Mates But Enemies novel Chapter 32

I drove out of the house dejected and shocked, I had no idea of what my father was saying until I took my phone and searched on who a water Genasi was. I saw so much information on us that I never thought I would.

I drove to anywhere I could in town but I decided to go to a secluded area but I wasn't finding anywhere secluded. I was driving when I felt the tattoo on my hand ache, so I couldn't drive anymore as the pain increased. I packed the car and stepped out holding on to my hand, as I stood there in pain I saw someone in a hoodie with earphones in his ears. And seriously listening to music as he sang along to whatever he was listening to.

He was passing by me when he suddenly stopped walking and looked my way, then I realized it was actually Logan. He walked closer to me and asked astonished,

“Miss, what are you doing here and not at work. ”

I looked the other way and remembered that all that happened to me had began when he came my way. He saw that I was holding on to my hand so he stepped closer and was about to touch me but I didn't allow him. And I thought that it was better that he didn't know that I was the same lady that had hurt me in the forest and had also hurt his arm unintentionally but he might not understand.

But he didn't put his hand down even when I ignored him, but his eyes changed into green then I knew his wolf had appeared. He looked at me strangely and said,

“Mate, why are you annoyed with me?”

I looked at him strangely and backed off because he was standing right in front of me. He shook his head and came a little more close to me but I couldn't move anymore because I was stuck between him and the car.

He looked down at me and apologized but it didn't seem like an apology at all. He then held my aching hand and said,

“I am sorry but I just can't stay away from you because you seem to be in pain, what is wrong with you?”

I shook my head suddenly speechless because his touch on my hand calmed down the pain in my hand immensely. I looked up at him and he looked back at me and the look I saw I couldn't describe but my heart beat accelerated.


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