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Mates But Enemies novel Chapter 54

They arrived at the airport and Absalom called out a Lamborghini to take them to their destination. They started their journey to the kingdom and they were served food and drinks in it. Everyone was enjoying their meal with the exception of Nadia and Leo, they looked downtrodden. The rest felt worried and asked them of the problem and all they could say was that something wasn't right but they didn't know what it was.

Logan took Leo in his arms and told him that whatever that had gone wrong, they would deal with it together but then till they found out what was actually wrong, they allow it to control them.

They agreed with him and their moods became lightened, they spoke and laughed together with the rest.

Then an idea came into mind of Absalom that they had not dressed up as royalty and had dressed in casual clothes. So he told them what he thought of the matter and asked the driver to take them to a top quality boutique so they could change. Nadia was about to disagree but when he saw the excitement in Leo and Mia's eyes, he agreed and went with them.

When they arrived, Absalom took the hand of Mia and got off, the rest felt awkward but still got out anyway. Logan took Leo on his shoulders and gave his hand to Nadia but she didn't take his hand and instead walked ahead of them.

Leo and Logan looked at each other and both smiled and shook their heads together. Nadia saw this and a smile appeared on her face.

They entered the place and shopping assistants started helping them to choose clothes. The clothes were all hand made and it seemed that apart from that shop one couldn't get them from anywhere else. Logan saw a particular dress and got stuck there, Leo looked at the dress too and said,

Wow, this will look great on mom.

Logan smiled and said,

“It will wouldn't it? But how do we get her to wear it?”

They both thought for a while but then suddenly shook their heads together and walked away from it. Logan looked up at him and said,

“I think we should get something for ourselves how about a pair? Father and son?”

Unknowingly to them, someone was watching them all that while and when they left for the place, she came to stand in front of it. Then she removed it so she could try it on. The pair got some clothes and decided to try them on but when they got to the changing room, they didn't check which one was for the males and entered just anyone.


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