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Mates But Enemies novel Chapter 55

We entered the hall and all attention was led to us, I felt a little nervous but then I had Leo and Logan and the rest beside me so there was no need to be nervous. Absalom and Mia walked the hallway as if they owned the place but I could blame her less, she was a model by profession and by passion. While I was in the office working, she would be one the walkway blowing peoples minds.

The hall was full with dignitaries all over the world and as to how they got connected to the werewolf kingdom was what I couldn't tell.

We moved forward and saw that the one who was supposed to sit on the throne was no where. This released some of my stress, imagine meeting your in-law for the first time, I thought. But when I realized what my thoughts were I thought to myself to stop thinking nonsense.

We arrived at the front row and Absalom's eyes diverted to someone among the crowd and he looked at the chairs that had being assigned to the princes and back to him. The man gave him a sneer and he shrugged, Logan looked at both of them unsure about what was happening. Just then the back door opened and a majestic looking man walked out of it, his face cemented with no emotion. He walked to us and immediately he sighted Leo, his steps stilled and they both looked at each other.

Then surprisingly, he bent down and a huge smile curved on his lips, everyone that saw that gasped in surprise. I guessed that they might not have even seen him laugh before them.

He opened his arms and nodded towards Leo and as if they had known each other forever, Leo withdrew his hand from Logan and with a smile on his face rushed to him. From the looks on the peoples and Absalom's face it seemed that I wasn't the only one surprised by the emotionless man and my emotionless son.

He picked him up and walked towards them still with a smile on his and sat with him on the throne. Then he finally spoke,

“Let's welcome my sons home, we would have started the competition tomorrow but your Prince Barnabas has fallen sick so... ”

He was about to continue but then Leo whispered something into his ears, he looked at him confused then Leo nodded to him then once again a smile appeared on his face and he looked at us. Then it was as if he had now realized that we were still standing so he stretched his hand and said,

“Have your seats my princes with your mates. ”

Then he continued,

“So the competition starts tomorrow. ”

The people looked at each other confused because they thought he was going to postpone the arrangements. But he didn't give them any explanations to them but got up and was about to walk out with Leo but he spoke to him again. And he turned to look at us then Absalom told us that, the king wanted us to come with him.

Chapter 55: Postponed The Arrangements. 1

Chapter 55: Postponed The Arrangements. 2


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