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Mommy, Where's Daddy? The Forsaken Daughter's Return novel Chapter 10

"I'd like to enroll my kids, please," said Samantha to the registration office of the North Bright Academy. She handed the check as payment, together with the enrollment form of her twins, plus the online evaluation her kids had taken long before they moved to Braeton.

The academy offered an online discussion and assessment, facilitated live by one of their teachers, as an option for students who are enrolling from other cities. This was the primary reason Samantha chose the North Bright Academy.

She noticed how the lady in charge was taken aback by the paper in her hand, and the same woman stood up to make a phone call a few meters away from the counter where Samantha patiently waited.

When the lady returned, Samantha was told, "Miss Davis, you can take the children to their teacher. They are both assigned to K1 Kindness. A teacher assistant will be with you shortly to accompany you."

"When you return, the principal would like to speak to you," said the lady from the school's registrar's office.

"Ummm... That's it?" Samantha asked, utterly perplexed.

"Yes! Your kids are officially enrolled. After your discussion with the principal, we can cover the books and other things your children will need," added the lady.

"Okay, that's great! Thank you so much!" Said Samantha.

Samantha and her children arrived at the classroom, already in the middle of the discussion. Still, they were warmly welcomed and introduced to all eight other students who were present. After seeing that Kenzie and Kyle were settled, Samantha returned to the school's administration building. As earlier instructed, she went straight to the principal's office.

As soon as Samantha walked into her office, the principal had nothing but a smile on her face, and she extended her hand outright. Pointing to the seat in front of her desk, Zara said, "Please, take a seat, Miss Davis."

"Good morning, Miss Davis. My name is Zara Kholi. I am the principal of North Bright Academy and have been for two years now," said the middle-aged woman who had a wonderful brown glow on her skin.

"Miss Kholi -"

"Oh, I wish, I am still a miss, but I am already married," corrected the principal.

"I'm sorry. Mrs. Kholi," Samantha quickly retracted. "It's nice to meet you, and may I just compliment the warm and friendly vibe the school offers? And I'm rather surprised that your enrollment process is so quick and so smooth!"

"We, Miss Davis, we remembered your children to have scored the highest during the online evaluation, and given Kenzie's and Kyle's marks during nursery, we knew they were special. In fact, that is the reason why we called you over," said Mrs. Kholi.

"We actually offer a scholarship program for children whose parents work for The Wright Diamond Corporation. If you want your children to try it, they can take the scholarship exam," suggested the principal.

"Wow!" Samantha exclaimed. "That would be great! Sure! I'm sure they will do great!"

Samantha was confident of her kid's unusual brilliance. In fact, the previous school where her kids were enrolled suggested they skip levels, but Samantha did not want her children to miss out on all the good fun, experiencing what it was like to be a child.

"Well then, we can have Kyle and Kenzie take the exam after their class," the principal said.

An hour passed, and Samantha's twins were asked to remain in their classroom. They took the Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale and Classroom Assessment Scoring System exams.


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