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Mommy, Where's Daddy? The Forsaken Daughter's Return novel Chapter 11

From the CEO office of the Wright Diamond Corporation, Ethan Wright had been tapping his fingers against his desk, barely able to work, just thinking of the outcome.

Ethan checked his watch and concluded it might take another half an hour for the task to be accomplished. To his surprise, however, he received the call from which he had been waiting for, half an hour too early.

He narrowed his eyes, seeing the number on his mobile. He calmly leaned back in his seat while answering the call. He said, "Tell me."

"Mr. Wright, the kids passed the assessment. They are actually very bright - worthy of the scholarship you offered," said the woman on the other line. "I returned the check that she gave as payment, exactly as you have instructed."

Ethan nodded in approval and replied, "Good. Mrs. Kholi, thank you for doing your job. We will continue to support the academy in any way we can, but for now, the scholarship program is already closed. We have enough beneficiaries."

"Ummm... Mr. Wright? You mean, only Kenzie and Kyle Davis are the beneficiaries?" The principal from the North Bright Academy clarified. It was more than two hours ago that president Ethan Wright personally called to offer a scholarship to the children of their employees.

The CEO advised of a parent who would enroll her children in the academy. It made the principal ecstatic! More students mean more profit for the school. If there was a way to guarantee the tuition, then all the better!

"Yes! Two beneficiaries are more than enough - for now," answered Ethan. "Let's see... depending on the feedback of my employee - how well you treat them and maintain the facility at school; I may consider reopening the scholarship program."

"Oh, Mr. Wright! We will definitely live up to your standards! Besides, your mother, Amanda Wright, she is very hands-on in ensuring that we offer only the best services for our children's education," revealed Mrs. Kholi.

"That's good to know, Mrs. Kholi. I expect no less," responded Ethan.

After putting down the phone, he hissed at his own actions. He muttered, "What in the world am I doing?"

He had never gone through such lengths to help someone, much more a woman with two kids! His gut feeling just urged him to do so... or so he claimed.

Realizing that Samantha Davis may return to give back the check, he walked out of his office, and just as he did, he noticed his assistant was already on the phone.

"A scholarship? I - I did not know that we have that either! Haha! Well, I don't have a child, and perhaps I did not bother inquiring. I'm sorry, Miss Davis. This should have been an option I could have shared with you." Ethan heard John say on the phone while his assistant was swiveling his chair around.

Knowing who his assistant was speaking to prompted Ethan to hasten his steps. He made it in front of John's desk in no time.

"Anyway, Miss Davis, there is no hurry to return the check. My offer still stands - " He halted John's words, turning back his chair in his direction. He gestured to his assistant to keep silent about his arrival and hold the line.

Ethan opened a message box on his phone and typed, "Have her return the check." He showed it to John outright.

"But if you would like, you can come by the company later. It's up to you - " Right after glaring at John, the poor assistant corrected his proposal. "I mean... you should come over!"

It was as if his own assistant knew what was going through his mind that John seemed to have supplied the words himself. John said to Samantha, "Actually, Miss Davis... Since you are coming here... why don't you... tell him yourself."

"Oh, you don't worry about that, Miss Davis. Who knows? Mr. Wright may be expecting you - I mean, I'll let him know you are coming to see him. I'll pencil you in his schedule... say about two in the afternoon?" Responded John.

"It's fine, Miss Davis. He looks forward to seeing you -" With another glare from Ethan, John changed his words. "I mean... I look forward to seeing you."

After putting down the phone, Ethan saw the smirk on his assistant's face. He heard John say, "Did I do well, boss?"


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