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Mommy, Where's Daddy? The Forsaken Daughter's Return novel Chapter 13

Twenty minutes earlier.

A cleaning lady was vacuuming the carpet of the eighteenth floor. She noticed someone poking at her back. The lady halted her cleaning when she saw two young and adorable children.

"Hello, can you point us to the main conference room?" Kenzie asked with her usual bright smile.

"Um." The lady was puzzled as to why there were kids in the area, but soon the children gave their reason.

"Our Daddy is in the main conference room," added Kenzie before she gave another beaming smile.

"Okay. It's that way." The lady pointed and said, "Just take the right turn, and the centermost conference room is what you are looking for."

"Thank you, ma'am. Have a good day," said Kyle before pulling Kenzie by the hand.

As the two made their way through various divided offices, they came across employees who were shocked to see children inside the building. Still, that did not stop the twins from making their way to the conference room.

They had already gone down from the twentieth floor, taking the lift to the eighteenth floor.

It was now or never!

They needed to find their daddy!


"Mr. Wright, we wanted to know what made you interested in making a family-oriented theme park resort?" Asked Mr. Song.

After Mr. and Mrs. Song had a taste of the exquisite coffee and canapes, they resumed asking Ethan specifically about his interest in making the partnership with them.

They had earlier grilled him about the stability of the company, and Ethan was beyond ready. Now, Ethan could tell, they were shifting to a different aim. The Songs were determining if Ethan was in it with them... for the right reasons.

The Asian couple wanted to maintain the brand of their theme park and after getting a persistent request from the Wright Diamond Corporation to bring over the same brand to Braeton, they personally came to see what kind of character Ethan Wright had.

'The money,' Ethan thought in his head, but he had seen the same couple speak before the crowd in front of national television and he knew he had to answer along with their mission and vision.

With a confident yet slightly perilous glance, Ethan raised his head to say, "I've always believed that entertainment should be... experiential. Nowadays, people are stressed about their daily lives. Especially here in Braeton City!"

Pointing to the windows next to him, Ethan revealed, "I'm sure you have seen the skyscrapers in this town. It clearly reflects the kind of economic progress Braeton has achieved, but along with it, the residents of this city had slowly forgotten how is it like to live."

He turned to his other assistant, Joel, and said, "We have already conducted a study."

It was Joel's cue to hand over the study their company had made before approaching Mr. and Mrs. Song with a proposal to expand in Braeton City.

"We have found out that many of our natural settlers here in the city have relocated elsewhere, and the common reason was their inability to unwind," added Ethan.

"This is also part of the reason why I have begun investing in the hospitality industry. The First Diamond Hotel will be the first condominium hotel to offer packages for families, including facilities that can accommodate short-term holidays for new families with children," Ethan added.

"I envisioned a better Braeton City - a city that can keep growing while keeping its inhabitants happy and entertained." Crossing his legs, he raised a hand and added, "Braeton should not just be all about work, work, work!"

After Ethan's explanation, Mr. Song glanced at his wife. It was obvious to Ethan that Mr. Song was trying to get approval from Mrs. Song. He realized the wife held the key and not the husband.

"Mr. Wright, what kind of rides do you like in a theme park?" Mrs. Song asked with a rigid expression.

From his insides, he was cursing. Ethan's parents were so strict while he was growing up, he never really enjoyed going to theme parks. With a sigh, Ethan said, "Hmmm... Which ride?"


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