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Mommy, Where's Daddy? The Forsaken Daughter's Return novel Chapter 14

Ethan's other assistant, Joel, aided Mr. and Mrs. Song out of the conference room and down to the building lobby.

The great CEO of the company, however, was left with two little kids, claiming him to be their "Daddy."

Despite making him an instant father, he had the kids to thank for the pleasant parting between him and the Songs. So he turned to the little girl who remained in his arms and said, "Thank you for the help. For that, you get anything you want."

Kenzie, with her little arms, embraced Ethan and said, "You are welcome, daddy!" She put a finger on her chin before asking, "I want creamy donuts!"

"Daddy, I put a checkmark on the checklist here. These are characteristics of our daddy. All of which you possess. Therefore, we conclude, you are our daddy," Kyle suddenly spoke, showing Ethan his tablet.

Curiosity got to him that Ethan accepted the tablet to have a look.

1. Looks like me. Check!

2. Handsome. Check!

3. In Braeton City. Check!

4. Taller than Mommy. Check!

5. Wears nice clothes. Check!

6. Rich. Check!

7. Intelligent. Check! He should be. He is the CEO! Check! Check! Check!

He nearly gagged on the list of qualities the young boy was looking for as his daddy, especially at the latter two.

"Some qualifications you have here, boy," remarked Ethan.

Ethan Wright was not fond of children, but for some bizarre reasons, he was not irritated by Kenzie, nor was he offended by young Kyle's odd autocratic presence.

He did not know how long he stared at Kyle, but Ethan ended up hissing.

It was no wonder his executive assistant mistook Kyle for his son. Ethan himself, could not deny the similarities! He even wound up glancing sideways at the glass wall divider, stealing glances at their reflection.

'This is just a coincidence,' Ethan silently convinced himself.

After giving back the boy's tablet, Kyle said to him, "So Daddy, let's start by answering... Why have you not come to see us all these years?"

That practically made Ethan choke. It resulted in him coughing so hard, Kenzie had to pat his back, offering aid.

"Are you okay, Daddy?" Kenzie earnestly asked, showing concern for Ethan.

Clearing his throat, he answered, "Yes. Yes, Kenzie."

Ethan offered his hand to Kyle and said, "Let's go find your Mommy. I need... to have a talk with her."


Reaching the twentieth floor, Ethan could easily make out the panic coming from John and Samantha. He understood that Samantha had lost her children.

While being held in his arms, Kenzie called for her mother. "Mommy! We found Daddy!"

Ethan saw the same woman with golden hair turn in his direction. He was immediately reminded of what first caught his attention back at the four-star hotel in Monroe City.

It was as though time had stopped, and he recalled the reason why he offered this woman a job at The First Diamond Hotel.

Despite turning pale, he could not deny how Samantha Davis looked utterly... well crafted. Her hair was soft, shining as it waved down to her shoulders. Her small face was her best feature, next to her striking blue eyes.

As his thoughts were drifting away into undeniable praise, he quickly dismissed his views and focused on the situation at hand. Besides, he was not one to express any admiration, especially to women.

"Miss Davis, how did your children reach the eighteenth floor without an adult accompanying them?" Ethan Wright asked before raising his chin. He could tell his words made Samantha even more nervous.

Ethan was about to suggest they resume the discussion in his office when Kenzie cut off his thoughts.

"Daddy, please don't get mad at mommy. It was our fault! We ran away. We wanted to find you!" Kenzie explained before she hugged Ethan around his neck.

The entire twentieth floor went ultra-silent, seeing the CEO of The Wright Diamond Corporation being affectionate with a child. Moreover, call him "Daddy."

Samantha's face turned a shade whiter, while John Garcia's jaws dropped. Of course, it had been that way the second he saw Ethan carry the little girl in his arms.

"Let's take this inside my office, shall we?" Ethan said, pointing to his office.


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