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Mommy, Where's Daddy? The Forsaken Daughter's Return novel Chapter 16

"Mr. Wright, I'm very sorry, but Miss Davis' records are sealed!" Revealed Aiden, the hacker Ethan employed to look into Samantha.

"What do you mean sealed?" Ethan asked while holding up the phone to his ear. He was leaning back in his seat, utterly disappointed at the report given by Aiden.

"Well, I have her basic details and it's like what you had thought. She is the daughter of General Winfield Davis," Aiden reported. "I found a marriage certificate between Miss Davis's mother, Sarah Turner, and one Winfield Davis."

"And there is no other Winfield Davis that lives in the city or any neighboring cities," added Aiden. "It could only be the general -"

"Make sure of it, Aiden!" Ethan countered, raising his voice. "I don't want hunches!"

"The thing is sir, most of her records are blocked from within the military itself. Thus, I can only conclude Miss Davis is related to the military somehow. Anyway, I went through some old photos from some members of the Davis family, not necessarily General Winfield's but from their relatives, and I happen to find one photo of Miss Davis. I have sent this information to you," Reported Aiden.

"It could not be a coincidence," added Aiden. "Anyhow, sir. I'm still working on hacking into the military camp's server, but it will take time... maybe a few more hours."

A hiss left Ethan's lips before he said, "Do your job, Aiden I'll give you another day to find the answer I am looking for."

After putting down the phone, he returned to work.

It was already sometime later in the afternoon that John came into his office to report the phone call coming from Mr. and Mrs. Song.

"Mr. Wright, Mr. Song called and asked if you can have dinner with them this Saturday," said his assistant. "Together with... your kids and wife? Haha!"

John choked on his laugh, seeing how his boss was squinting at him.

"Is it funny, John?" Ethan asked in his classic domineering tone. "You know what to do. Call Miss Davis and tell her I will speak to her at the hotel. In any case, I need an inspection at the hotel."

"Yes, sir, Mr. Wright," said John Garcia. "I'm on it!"


From inside the living room space of a condominium flat, Samantha was checking her kid's daily exercises from school. She suddenly heard her phone ringing, which startled her outright.

When she saw it was John Garcia, she answered promptly, "Mr. Garcia. Good afternoon."

"Miss Davis, the boss would like to see you later. Perhaps at six in the evening, right after he finishes here in the office. In any case, I will call you once we are at the First Diamond Hotel. He wanted to discuss the plan for the dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Song," John explained on the other line.

"Oh," said Samantha before sneering. She did not really think it would happen sooner. "When is the dinner?"

"This Saturday," confirmed John. "He wants to meet you at the hotel's one-carat conference room."

The hotel's conference rooms were named after carats, depending on the size of the room.

Samantha bit her lip and answered, "Wow, a conference room? This is just a meeting between the two of us, right?"

"Yes, Miss Davis. Mr. Wright does not like to be seen by other people," John reported. "Most of the time, he reserves a private room for all his appointments."

"Okay. I understand. Six in the evening, then. I'll get ready," said Samantha.

After the phone call, Samantha felt utterly nervous.

"Maybe because, he is just a scary guy," she convinced herself. "Or, you are getting conscious, Sam!"

"Pffft! Why would I feel nervous looking at a tall handsome man who looks like my son," Samantha resumed mumbling, trying to dismiss her stirring emotions.


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