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Mommy, Where's Daddy? The Forsaken Daughter's Return novel Chapter 15

"I - I suppose it would be fine." She could not help how her brows drew together. Samantha clarified, "I mean... It's just one dinner, right?"

"Yes, just one dinner. Why? Were you expecting another one?" Ethan asked, raising his chin at Samantha.

With her mouth parting, she thought, 'How in the world were my words interpreted that way?'

"Um. No! Of course not," Samantha awkwardly said. "One dinner."

"Good. Then I'll have my driver take you and the kids to the hotel," suggested Ethan.

"Oh, there is really no need," Samantha said while raising his palm at his offer.

"I have to. You are supposedly my secret wife," Ethan answered. "For all we know, Mr. and Mrs. Song are still waiting outside, observing the building."

After calling his assistant and giving instructions, Ethan said, "I'll have John contact you again for when we will plan the dinner."

"Okay, Mr. Right. I guess I'll see you soon," Samantha acknowledged.


"Wow! The donuts are so yummy!" Exclaimed Kenzie after taking a bite of the treat. "What will you have, Kyle?"

Kyle was sitting next to Kenzie in the middle of their living room, installing W******p. He then invited Ethan Wright as his first contact. He smiled right after seeing an acceptance.

Kyle looked up at Kenzie and replied, "I'll have chocolate."

"Daddy is just so great, right?" Kenzie remarked right after taking another bite.

"Yes, he is amazing," Kyle said as he grabbed one chocolate-frosted donut. "He even gave us a ride home!"

As the two youngsters were enjoying their treats in the sitting area of their condominium unit, Samantha was having a serious conversation with her aunt Dianna from the balcony.

"What in the world got into you, Sam?" Diana asked, utterly frowning at the news. "Why would you even agree to that?"

"Shhh... lower your tone, aunt." Samantha glanced at the kids before saying, "My kids got him in trouble! Somehow, I felt... obliged to commit."

Diana shook her head and asked, "Why would they even think he was their daddy?"

"The man kinda... um... looks like Kyle," Samantha revealed before sneering. "Coincidence?"

"Noo! No way! Are you serious, Sam?" Diana asked.

Samantha only nodded and said, "I swear. I was literally staring at him, for I don't know how long! It's a crazy coincidence!"

Sighing at Samantha's tale, Diana suggested, "Sam, what if... I mean, what are the chances that Mr. Ethan Wright is their father?"

The words of her aunt made Samantha laugh hysterically!

She was laughing so hard; she snorted towards the end. "That is silly, aunt. Why in the world would somebody like Ethan Wright stay in a hotel in front of the military camp?"

She raised both her hands and said, "There is absolutely no view!"

"Well, who knows... circumstances brought him there," Diana insisted. "How could a man look so much like your son, then? How do you explain that?"

"Aunt, please. You can g****e many uncanny resemblances between stars and regular people! It happens!" Samantha said while still frequently chuckling.

"Okay, fine! If you insist!" Resting her hand on her waist, Diana mumbled, "I don't know why you did not try to find their father, anyway."

"I told you, aunt Diana. My father already did that. The great General threatened every man who lived within and near the camp!" Revealed Samantha.

"Only people from the military would use the hotel. As far as I know, the hotel rarely gets tourists, and that day was the wedding day of one of our senior cadets. All those who stayed at the hotel were from the military or their relatives!"

"I know what you were thinking, aunt, but I'm sure my father did not miss any details. Nothing slips in his hands. That is how he is," declared Samantha.

"Yeah? Well, what if the man you slept with is more powerful than your father? Someone capable of erasing records, paying off the hotel staff," Diana pointed out. "Did you ever think of that?"


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