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Mommy, Where's Daddy? The Forsaken Daughter's Return novel Chapter 19

"Wow! this is so cool, Kyle! Can I watch princess videos from here?" Kenzie asked Kyle.

"Sure, Kenzie!" Kyle answered. "Let me help you."

While the kids were already exploring Kyle's new laptop from the opposite side of the couch, Ethan and John sat across them, observing the two.

"Kyle is a smart boy," remarked John. "He likes gadgets, boss... Just like you."

"Hmmmm," Ethan acknowledged while maintaining to study the two young children.

Since they arrived at the condo unit assigned to Samantha, Ethan's eyes had already roamed the entire living room space.

Apart from two dolls that were in the sitting area, Ethan was generally pleased with how everything was in order. The floor was spot clean for a home with two kids. Despite only having relocated to the city for three days, Ethan thought Samantha and her aunt did well for the place.

He never liked lingering in a chaotic space. Thus, Samantha's home warranted an approval from Ethan.

"Here you go, Mr. Wright. A glass of water," Diana Turner said while putting two glasses of the table down at the living room table.

After a second of staring at Ethan, Diana turned her attention to Kyle. Then began a series of stares that went back and forth between Ethan and the young boy.

A laugh left John Garcia's lips, and he remarked, "I know, I'd had the same gaping moment, just looking at the two."

"Ma'am, I'm John Garcia, I am the assistant to Mr. Wright," said John while extending his hand.

"Oh, please forgive Sam's manners. She failed to introduce me. My name is Diana Turner. I am her aunt," said Diana. "May I say... what an honor it is to be graced by the CEO of The Wright Diamond Corporation."

"I have a meeting with Miss Davis and thought to give her son a present along with her work laptop," Ethan created an excuse before he complimented, "You and Miss Davis, must have worked hard to keep the place tidy."

"Oh, yes, but Kyle is also a big help." Diana wrinkled her nose and explained, "He doesn't like having so much mess."

Diana laughed before telling, "Kyle - he has this peculiar behavior. He double wipes his plates and utensils, he arranges the throw pillows and he... he has bionic eyes. He can practically see a small spot of stain in the house."

"Oh, it's the same with Mr. Wright," John eagerly reported. "The office is always spot clean and if you notice, so is the hotel."

"How nice... Just like Kyle," Diana said while frowning at the coincidence.

Not only did Ethan Wright look the same as Kyle, but they seemed to also have the same compulsion for cleanliness? These were the thoughts that lingered in her head.

Diana was about to turn back to the kitchen, but something in her urged her body to look back at Ethan.

She gradually took the seat in between the kids and the two gentlemen while remaining to stare at the man. She cleared her throat and asked, "Mr. Wright... Kyle's resemblance to you is just... amazing."

Diana took one more last look between the two before she leaned forward and softly asked, "Mr. Wright... About six years ago... Did you ever go to The Golden Eagle Hotel and stayed overnight?"

The question took Ethan aback. He repeated, "The Golden Eagle Hotel?"

"Yes, Mr. Wright... It's the hotel right in front of the Fort Eagle Military Camp," Diana described. Her hands acted to cycle together before she asked, "And it has to be somewhere around six years ago."

John Garcia was confused by Diana's questioning, He had nothing but a frown on his face as he shifted his head from left to right. He looked at his boss and saw Ethan gave a poker face. He utterly could not tell what his boss was thinking.

"Why - Why does it have to be around six years ago, Miss Turner?" Ethan asked while leaning back and taking a deep breath.

Diana looked at the kids before she returned her attention to Ethan. She said, "Well, about six years ago... Ummmm."

She moved further closer to Ethan, making sure the kids were still engrossed with the laptop. Only then did Diana whisper, "About six years ago... Something... significant happened."

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but I did not hear it," John said, interrupting the exchange between Ethan and Diana. Samantha's aunt said it so softly and only directing it to Ethan that John barely heard a word!

"It's none of your business, John. Move back!" Ethan directed.

John saw the sudden change in his boss' temperament. Whatever it was that Samantha's aunt said to Ethan, seemed to have triggered something in him.

John saw how his boss changed his mood from being neutral to being expressionless. But as to what? John had no idea. He could only close his mouth, for his boss was already giving him that "Shut up" glare.


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