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Mommy, Where's Daddy? The Forsaken Daughter's Return novel Chapter 20

"Miss Davis, about six years ago... Did you ever stay overnight at The Golden Eagle Hotel?"

The question that Ethan Wright raised just made everything else turned mute. Samantha could not understand why in the world was this question coming out of Ethan's mouth!

'The Golden Eagle Hotel. The Golden Eagle Hotel,' Samantha repeated in her mind. It was the place where it all started. It was the same hotel where she committed the biggest mistake in her life.

After hearing Ethan ask again, she took a deep breath and said, "Why?"

Her voice was barely audible that she had to clear her throat and ask again, "What about... The Golden Eagle Hotel?"

In her mind, she asked, 'Why did it have to be about six years ago?'

It would seem as though the food arrived on time, assisting in Samantha's burden. The servers came in with the starter before Ethan could answer her question.

"Mr. Wright, tomato and mozzarella salad, garnished with basil leaves and black pepper as you like it," said the male server.

"Thank you," Ethan said to the server.

He glanced at Samantha and said, "I hope you don't mind. I ordered the same for you. I like this kind of salad."

All Samantha could say was, "That's well noted."

To her, it was a reminder of the boss' favorite dishes, one she was expected to prepare on his site inspections.

The same plate was presented in front of Samantha, and she immediately diverted the topic. "Wow! Makes me want to eat!" She gave one look at Ethan and said, "Can I? I am just so hungry."

"Of course," Ethan replied.

Samantha could tell that while she had started to dig in, Ethan was still staring at her. She did not care, however, she just wanted to get that night over and done with.

"And about The Golden Eagle Hotel." She heard Ethan say, and that altogether made her slow down on her chewing.

Only after looking up to him did he explain, "It's because... your aunt asked me the same question. So I thought... It might have something to do with you."

Knowing that the idea came from her aunt, Samantha took a deep breath, utterly relieved. She understood that her aunt was considering Ethan to be her twin's father. She practically closed her eyes and placed her hand on her chest. After another heavy breath, she finally answered, "I'm sorry that she asked you that question."

With pleading eyes, she added, "Please ignore her."

Following Samantha's suggestion, there was another moment of silence, but right after they both finished their salads, Ethan asked, "Miss Davis, I have been wondering."

"I saw your profile." Ethan first wiped his mouth with the table napkin and stated, "Since we are going to pretend that we are secretly married, I wanted to get to know you."

With a frown, Ethan added, "But I noticed how you never placed your father's name on your information... Why is that Miss Davis? If you don't mind me asking."

'Great,' Samantha said. Just when she had escaped a recent relevant probing, here came another.

It was as though her bladder aided her that she suddenly felt the need to go to the ladies' room. She requested, "Mr. Wright, let me just... get back to you on that... I just needed to go to the restroom."

"Excuse me," she said before hurriedly leaving Ethan in the conference room, bringing her purse with her.

As she was in the ladies' room, she contemplated whether to tell the truth, but later on, she thought, 'Surely, there is no harm in telling him.'

Thus, after using the restroom, she walked out of there, already decided to be honest about her father. Just as she was walking down the hall, she saw four familiar figures that made her heart race.

Of course, how could she not know her own father?

It was just a coincidence that Ethan Wright was asking about him and now, there he was.

General Winfield Davis was walking in her direction with her stepmother, Catherine Jones Davis, and stepsister, Annie Jones Davis. Worse, her ex-boyfriend, Clayton Brown, was also with them!

"Shoot, just my luck!" She muttered to herself as she hid behind a huge column.

"Let me just go to the restroom really quick," Samantha heard her stepsister say.


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