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Mommy, Where's Daddy? The Forsaken Daughter's Return novel Chapter 21

"Where is she?" Ethan Wright asked the hotel staff. "Can you go outside and check on her?"

"Sure, Mr. Wright. Give me a moment." The food attendant was about to look for Samantha Davis when the door to the one-carat conference room swung open.

Ethan saw how Samantha abruptly closed the door behind her and dropped to the floor helplessly. She howled without restraint, and tears continuously flooded her face.

The first thing that Ethan felt was a stab in his chest. His hands easily trembled in anger before clenching them into fists.

'Who dared to hurt her?!' His mind was thinking ahead.

He immediately rushed to her side and tried to get into the cause of her misery. Kneeling down in front of her, he asked, "Miss Davis, what happened? Miss Davis?"

When Samantha did not answer, he grabbed her shoulders and called her name. "Samantha! "Who?! Who did this to you? Tell me. Tell me!"

Ethan could no longer hide the ill intent in his eyes. He was pained seeing such an elegant woman, trembling and staining her face with tears. He got up and turned to the door, wanting to find out who was out there that might have provoked Samantha's suffering, but before he knew it, he felt her slender hands holding him.

As he turned, their eyes locked together, and Samantha crashed into his chest as she got up. Ethan heard her plead, "Stay - stay with me... please... Please don't go outside... Just stay with me."

He wound up hugging her closer into his solid chest, and as he did, he took heavy breaths while gritting his teeth. It was his way of easing his annoyance at whoever hurt Samantha.

He unwittingly lifted Samantha with his strong arms, carrying her in princess style. After the two of them settled in the seats in front of the table, Ethan took the time to comfort her the best way he could.

It wasn't like him at all. He did not even know how to be affectionate, yet here he was, soothing Samantha Davis into his precious chest.

Moreover, he did not mind how this woman with golden curls stained his custom-made suit. At that point, all he cared about was consoling Samantha, and he did so, not minding the time that had passed.

When Samantha stopped sobbing, merely catching her breath, he offered a glass of water and said, "Drink this."

He studied her small and dainty face, which he thought was so exquisite, and it saddened him how they were smeared with ruined make-up.

While Samantha was wiping her face with her fingers, he finally heard her say, "Mr. Wright, to be - to be honest with you... my name."

Looking into his eyes, she gasped and resumed, "My name... is Samantha Turner Davis. I am - I am the only biological daughter of General Winfield Davis... but he - he cares more for his adopted daughter... My father, he - he has long forsaken me."

Yet again, he saw how her lips trembled and how she wept helplessly. It just made Ethan so impassioned that he embraced her tightly, once again offering relief.

After another ten minutes or so, Samantha finally calmed down. She remained in the man's chest, just hugging Ethan.

Looking down at her, Ethan inquired, "Are you feeling better now?"

Samantha nodded and gently pulled away. She answered, "I'm sorry - "

"There is no need to be sorry," Ethan responded while slowly letting go of her.

He waited for a second before asking, "Why would... a father abandon his own daughter? Who does that?"

"Because I made a mistake, and it crushed his dreams of making me follow in his footsteps," revealed Samantha while stuttering. "I got pregnant, and I got kicked out of Military School."

"Of course, there is the shame of being the General's daughter getting pregnant before marriage," said Samantha while looking down at her hands.

When she gazed back at him, Samantha said, "Mr. Wright... I am so sorry that you had to listen to me and hear about my sad life." She tried to laugh at her situation before adding, "And I'm sorry I ruined our meeting!"

She hastily searched for a tissue in her purse and wiped the tears that lingered in the corners of her eyes, and said, "I don't mean to be rude... but... I - I really need to go."

Samantha let out a dramatic sigh and requested, "Can we - can we have this talk some other time?"

"I - I just want to stay in my room and... and let it all out," Samantha reasoned.


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