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Mommy, Where's Daddy? The Forsaken Daughter's Return novel Chapter 34

It was because Ethan was leaving for a business trip on Friday, that he dropped by the condominium on a Thursday night. He only had a few minutes to spare, but he wanted to see the kids.

He realized how the video conference calls did not satisfy his yearning.

Ethan came in with treats for the children and a bouquet for Samantha.

When Samantha opened the door for him, he handed her the flowers and said, "Good evening, Sam. They are for you."

With a flushed face, Samantha pursed her lips and accepted the flowers. She smiled and said, "Thank you, Ethan. They are beautiful."

"Daddy!" Kenzie was the first to run to him, this time jumping at him. She easily became secured in his father's strong arms.

"Kenzie! What if your Dad did not catch you? Don't do that again." Samantha scolded, nearly raising her voice.

"It's okay. I'll catch my little girl always," assured Ethan. "I got her, Sam."

"Wow! Daddy, Mommy has flowers! Where is mine?" Kenzie asked, acting jealous of her mother's red roses.

"Daddy bought you some donuts." Leaning over to Kenzie, Samantha told, "your favorite kind."

"Wow! I love it!" Exclaimed Kenzie with her usual twinkling eyes. Her delight granted Ethan a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you, Daddy! I love you."

That left Ethan smiling. He wound up answering, "I love you too, Kenzie."

Turning to her mother, Kenzie suggested, "Mommy, you should kiss Daddy. He gave you flowers!"

Samantha had taken the donuts and received her flowers. Her hands were utterly occupied. She turned to Ethan with eyes widening, still listening to Kenzie's persisting.

"Mommy! Kiss Daddy!" Kenzie repeated.

"It's okay... I'll kiss Mommy," suggested Ethan. He outright put one arm behind Samantha and pulled her closer, immediately pecking on her lips.

Samantha froze in her stance. She wound up looking straight into Ethan's eyes, blinking repeatedly.

She did not approve of the kiss, but she did not hate it either. She determined it was fortunate that she could not push him away.

After two seconds, Samantha was still taken aback. She noticed how Ethan was leaning over again for another kiss, but she just stood there, like a willing victim.

She thought, 'I must be under a spell!'

The next kiss, however, wasn't just a normal peck.

It lasted more than a second, with both of them, feeling the softness and the warmth of their lips.

The last kiss easily sent chills down Samantha's spine.

When Ethan pulled away, he managed a smile, staring at Samantha's beautiful face. Samantha, on the other hand, repeatedly swallowed air down her throat.

"Oh, how romantic!" Diana remarked, after coming out from the room. She turned to find Kyle and said, "Kyle, your father is here and he brought flowers for your Mommy!"

"Dad? You came!" Exclaimed Kyle, rushing to where Ethan was.

While Diana took the donuts and brought them to the kitchen, Samantha gawked at Ethan for seconds, watching him and the kids settle in the living room.

After getting a hold of herself, she asked, "Ethan, have you had dinner?"

"Yes, Sam. Thanks for the concern." Glancing at her, he said, "I could use some coffee though. I still have a few things to finish at home."

"Okay, got it," said Samantha before turning in the direction of the kitchen.

Just as she made her walk, she heard Kyle ask, "Daddy, you promised we'd live together. Why is it taking so long?"

Samantha sneered, hearing that. She wound up speeding her steps, not wanting to get involved in their conversation.

As soon as Samantha found her way to the kitchen, she put down her flowers on the dining table and made some coffee.


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