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Mommy, Where's Daddy? The Forsaken Daughter's Return novel Chapter 35

Saturday 5:00 AM.

"Good Morning, Sam," Samantha heard Ethan's husky voice on the other line. She bit her lip, feeling a little excited at getting a call from him so early.

"Good Morning," she responded before clearing her throat.

"Did I wake you?" Ethan asked.

"Yes, but, it's fine. I have to prepare breakfast, anyway," Samantha answered. "How was your flight?"

Last night, Ethan only sent her a message, saying that he arrived rather late due to a delayed stop in the Middle East while refueling.

Ethan took a private jet, flying across the Pacific. He did not like sharing a space with other people, other than John and his executives.

"It was okay. It was boring as usual," declared Ethan. "I never liked long flights. On my next business trip, I'll take you and the kids with me."

It was a cold morning, and the sun has not shone yet, following Ethan's words, Samantha felt her cheeks turning warm.

Hearing his suggestion, she chuckled and asked, "What would we do on your business trip?"

"At least, I get to see you," he answered outright.

"Oh. Haha! Well... we will see about that." Pursing her lips at his words, Samantha opened the window curtains and realize how early it was. She asked, "What time is it there?"

"About three in the afternoon here. I had some rest before getting started. We are going to have dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Song later on. I'm sure they will ask about you," responded Ethan.

"Well, send my regards," Samantha answered.

"Of course," responded Ethan.

Samantha could hear Ethan stretch his arms and he said, "I need to get ready, Sam. Tell the kids I called and I'll call again later... your time. If you need to go out today, just call Edgar. Don't go around town without him."

"Okay," said Samantha. "Good luck with your meeting."

"Thank you, Sam. Take care of yourself and the kids. Bye," said Ethan before putting down the phone.

While still in her room, Samantha took a moment to look out the window, still feeling with all the changes in her life. She gasped and thought; it was now time to tell her grandmother about the father of her kids.

She had held off, telling Matilda, for she was still assessing how Ethan would take things, being the father of the twins.

Now, seeing how well it was going in such a short matter of time and how she might even end up marrying Ethan, she saw a light at the end of the tunnel.

First, she cooked breakfast for everyone, and after which; she called Matilda.

They agreed to meet at the First Diamond Hotel Lobby in the afternoon.


3:00 PM in the afternoon.

Samantha and the kids were waiting at the hotel lobby and had been for an hour. Sadly, Matilda never came nor can her mobile be reached.

"Where is grandma Matilda, Mommy?" Kyle asked after putting down his tablet on the lobby sofa.

"She's late, Mom," suggested Kenzie.

It was only after another half an hour that Samantha finally received a call, but it did not come from Matilda. Instead, it came from Stella, Matilda's caregiver.

"Hello, Miss Sam." With a sigh, Stella reported, "This is Stella, grandma Matilda's caregiver. I'm afraid that she can't leave."

"You see... your father suspected that she might see you and gave specific orders to the camp exits not to let grandma leave. He... he even took grandma's phone," revealed Stella.

"What? Why can't I see her? It's her right to see me if she wanted to!" Samantha got up and walked away from where the kids were seated.

"I know, Miss Sam. I'm so sorry about this," told Stella. "The General reasoned that since grandma Matilda is already old, she should not be going out of the camp often."

Samantha wound up taking a deep breath. She realized how this was the effect of having seen her father last week.

Now, General Davis knew... He knew her grandmother may come out to see her.

With eyes closed, Samantha thought deep. She really missed her grandmother so, and now that they were in one city, they still could not even see each other? She had to find a way.

When an idea crept into her mind, Samantha probed, "Wait... Isn't it that you take grandma for a stroll at the military park?"

"Yes, I do," Stella answered on the other line.

"Then, you can take her there, right? I can meet her there," suggested Samantha.

"Yes, but... can you enter, Miss Sam?" Stella asked.

"I think I can," Samantha replied. She immediately assumed Ethan's car had immunity, including the military camp.


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