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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 39

Chapter 39

You have been accompanying me. Mr. Beaumont This makes for water if your still possess a job waiting for you Sofia

the wonder smiled upon meeting Alexander.

After the meeting, Sofia received a message from Alexander, informing her about the driver and this celebration Outside of 11 GROUP one of Alexander’s men awaited her and escorted

restaurant For he was waiting

I believe this deserves a celebration he smiled, already holding a glass of champagne. He tilted it towards her. Cheers be suggested

Solia looked around the elegant restaurant with wide-eyed appreciation. The place resonated with old world charm. reminiscent of quaini bistros in Paris. The soft glow of the chandeliers cast a warm ambiance over cream colored walls adorned with vintage artwork.

The tables were dressed in crisp white linen, each adorned with small vase of fresh flowers. The delicate fragrance of roses and lilies watted through the air, mingling with the inviting aroma of the evening’s culinary delights Polished silverware. gleamed under the gentle candlelight, giving the entire setting a touch of sophisti

She smiled and took her glass before she sat down. Cheers Alter taking a sip of the champagne, she asked, “Please don’t tell me you paid for the whole restaurant just for today…” No one else was inside the restaurant. She knew he was wealthy but tra close a restaurant for something like this? She never thought he would be capable of doing something like that.

“Nope.” he took the napkin and dabbed it at the corner of his lips. “I own it.


“Rather. Beaumont Empire owns it.”

Right she nodded, pursing her lips as she realized how extravagant this gesture was. They are currently in one of the live star hotels in Illinois. She did not even know that the Beaumont Empire already owned this hotel.

“And I am here to do an inspection..

Sorted. An inspection”

mhe nodded and gestured for the waiter. “This is a Michelin-starred restaurant that specializes in French-inspired. e: Alexander continued, a twinkle in his eye as he gesture at the man who was walking nearby. Impeccably dressed in black and white, the man approached the table with an air of deference.

“Our chef, Alexander explained, “has trained in the culinary arts of Paris, bringing the essence of French gastronomy to Illinois. The menu boasts a delightful array of dishes, from Cogan Vin to Ratatouille, all prepared with meticulous attention to authenticity

Sofia listened with interest, smiling as she met the eyes of the chef

“As part of the inspection, Alexander continued, his gaze scanning the menu. “I make it a point to ensure that ⠀ the cuisine matches the grandeur of the setting. This place is not just a restaurant; it’s a haven for connoisseurs of finn dining

Soon enough, they started perusing through the menu.

“How about we start with your specialty? Something that captures the essence of this line establishment, Alexander suggested. He looked at Sofia. “Do you agree with me?”

“Of course. Sofia was never actually what they call a foodie. She liked food but she would simply cat what was there. She was not picky or anything like that.

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