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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Sofia was unaware of the reasons behind Alexander’s actions, but she felt a profound sense of gratitude. As tears warmed her cheeks. Sofia glanced down in an attempt to regain composure. Sensing her emotions, Alexander reached across the table and gently took her hand.

Sofia struggled to find the right words to express the mix of gratitude and confusion within her. He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, his eyes meeting hers with understanding. I told you, Sofia,” he said softly. Tm already your husband. We’re in this together.”

Just as the moment seemed to linger, a voice interrupted from across the room. “Oh, darling, don’t listen to him,” a regal voice declared. Sofia turned to see Eulanda Lockhart-her grandmother, standing near the restaurant entrance.

Eulanda’s stern yet playful gaze was fixed on Alexander. “He’s not your husband unless I approve of him,” Eulanda declared with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

“Grandmother!” Sofia immediately got up, surprise apparent on her face as she stared at the woman she hadn’t seen for months. Seeing her grandmother in person made her more emotional, but she didn’t know how to react.

Her grandmother was never the affectionate one-cold, authorituive, and demanding. She always seemed composed with her perfect bun and elegant clothing. Her words were sharp, and her gaze chilly.

However, the woman standing not too far away was different. Eulanda was not wearing her bun. Instead, her shoulder-length hair was down in elegant curls. Eulanda’s green eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief as she surveyed the scene.

The regal posture remained, but there was a warmth in her gaze that Sofia had never witnessed. Her perfectly styled curls framed a face that still held the grace of years past, softened by an unexpected gentleness.

Draped in a flowing emerald dress that matched the color of her eyes, Eulanda seemed to have shed the stern exterior Sofia remembered. The mischievous twinkle in her eye hinted at a playful side that, until now, had been hidden beneath layers of formality

“Are you not going to come and greet your grandmother?” Eulanda’s sudden words made Sofia flinch. This tone was the one that Sofia was very familiar with! However, for a moment. Sofia was frozen in surprise, unsure of how to respond to this unexpected transformation in her grandmother.

“Grandmother. Sofia said after a few minutes of silence. “I-1 didn’t know that you would come…” she then looked at Alexander, who was acting like a tree. Did he know about this?

“So… he didn’t tell you?” Eulanda’s gaze turned towards Alexander.

“Ihe didn’t. Sofia approached Eulanda and kissed her cheek. In the past, the greeting would have ended right then and there. However, this time, Eulanda suddenly pulled her into a tight hug

Sofia stood there, speechless, unable to react in time. To be honest, she did not even know how to react as this was the first time that her grandmother had given her a hug so tight she could barely breathe!

Just as she felt like she was starting to suffocate, she heard Alexander clear his throat. “As heartwarming as this- my wife might need to breathe at some point. Perhaps we should take a seat and continue our reunion with a bu more oxygen in the air?”

Eulanda? Sofia was surprised to hear him call her by her first name. As far as Sofia knew, no one, not even Eunice-Eulanda’s daughter and Sofia’s mother-called her by her first name.

Her grandmother only chuckled in response. Still, she let Sofa go, and the two went back to the table. Sofia was still slightly flustered as she looked at Alexander. She was starting to wonder why this man invited her grandmother here. What was his goal all along?

Chapter 40

“You must be wondering why I came?” Eulanda asked as she gestured for the waiter to bring her wine:

“Mother is safe __ she is under the care of Hugo Moore.” Sofia said


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