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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 42

Chapter 42

“Do you think I am overdressed?” Sofia asked Daniel as he got ou of the car. She was currently wearing a pink dress with a knee-length cut, perfect for the August weather in Illinois. The dress was elegant, with a modest touch, suited for a girlfriend meeting her boyfriend’s parents.

Instead of answering her question. Daniel looked around the building, behind her. “You moved?” he asked.

“My grandmother insisted.” Sofia knew that this would immediately shut Daniel up, and it seemed that it worked, as Daniel did not ask any more questions.

“Oh.” Damel said before turning his gaze toward her. “You look perfect.” Sofia smiled.

“I need to get something from your flat, do you mind if we drop by? I can totally just run, and you can wait in the car,” Daniel said. Sofia immediately lifted an eyebrow, yet the smile on her face did not disappear as she nodded and got inside

the car.

Soon enough, she was back at her building’s parking lot while Daniel had to get something back to her flat. How could she not know that the man was only trying to get her new password? She already changed the password on her lucks and even removed his fingerprint on them. Sofia smiled as she thought about Daniel’s scheme. What was it this time? Did he perhaps. not think about the fact that she now had cameras in her place?

Not long after, Daniel came back with a smile on his face. “I didn’t find my favorite tie. Perhaps, I left it somewhere in a hotel

Or, was it at Charlotte’s place? Solia said inwardly, “I will try to look for it when I have the time, Was it the blue one?” she asked. “That’s your favorite, right?”

“You gifted it to me but no. It wasn’t that one. Don’t mind it, I can always buy a new one. I just thought I left it in your place.” Sofia nodded but did not say another word. Soon enough, the car started moving. Aher more than an hour of driving, they finally arrived outside a mansion— the Beaumont Family mansion.

Sofia knew where the Beaumont Family mansion was located but she had yet to take a step insile this place. “Are you certain it’s going to be alright?” Sofia asked, biting her lips as if she was nervous. In fact, she was excited about this meeting, and it www.not all good reasons.

nder already assured her that he would be here to watch the show. To make matters more entertaining, he uff that would infuriate Daniel’s mother. “Calm down. Daniel said as he held Sofia’s hand. The contact her cringe. “She will like you”

“I hope so too… The two then walked inside the mansion, and the first thing that greeted her was the large living room with a bespoke yet elegant interior.

“Daniel..” a woman who looked like she was still in her forties immediately greeted her. This was Teresa Beaumont. Sofia immediately plastered a smile on her face. As Teresa’s gaze landed on her. “And this must be the lovely sofa Lockhart It is a pleasure.” Teresa said as she pulled Sofia into a hug. Sofia reciprocated the gesture. “Mrs. Beaumont, 10’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”

“Please call me Teresa. Shall we head to the dining area? They are already waiting for us.


“Your father and Alexander are here.”

Brother is here?” Daniel looked surprised. “What about Zoe!”

“She’s coming.


Chapter 12

“Alexander’s ex, Daniel untered Long story

“O” Solis said as she followed Intel and Teros ingranding where she was wining for her Soon enough. Tod


leasing as he had a meeting to attend to, and of course. Alexander Beaumont who was leaking on below wed Sxaners with w knowing smile on his face.

I am sure you already know my brother. Alexander Brother to the rally s

“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Be


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