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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Soon. Sofia understood the reason why Eulanda refused to accept Lawrence. This conversation also revealed a few things First. Eulanda tried to reach out to spend more time with Sofia, yet Eunice and Lawrence always rejected her as she would not invite Charlotte as well.

Eunice and Lawrence did not want to make Charlotte feel like she was not a family member. This reasoning seemed alright for the younger version of Sofia, as she had treated Charlotte as a real sister.

“Are you alright?” Alexander asked as he placed his coat around Sofia, shielding her from the cold chilly might.

“This place is beautiful,” she responded with a smile as she looked at the cityscape that she could see from the rooftop. After a few minutes of silence, she added, “I feel a little heavy

“Your Grandmother is well known in the business community not just because of the charities and galas that she always has. She was and still is the chairman of LH Group. She is a fierce businesswoman who was able to excel in a man’s world.”

“She never accepted Lawrence yet she still agreed to give Mother and him a position inside the company,” Sofia said. “Why do you think that is?” Sofia had already asked this question of her grandmother, but the latter simply shrugged before drinking another glass of champagne.

If Eulanda was scared that Lawrence would harm the Lockhart Family, then why did she make Eunice the chairman? Was it because she wanted to keep them closer?

At this point, this was the only explanation that she had. Eulanda wanted to keep an eye on them, so she chose to keep them closer. She gave a job to both Eunice and Lawrence and watched from the sidelines as they performed. Then this means,

“Do you think she has proof against Lawrence?” Sona asked.

“Why do you think she wanted you to visit the company on Monday?” he retorted.

Sofia was about to answer when her phone started buzzing. She looked at the caller and cringed when she saw it was Daniel. Alexander shrugged when he saw his brother’s name, so Sofia answered the call

“Hey…” Daniel said. “I saw the news! Congratulations.”

“Then you must have read the ugly comments from Charlotte’s fans. Sofia smiled. Naturally, LH GROUP immediately announced that Sofia was chosen as the new CEO of LH Design

However, this has gathered a lot of criticism from Charlotte’s fans who threatened to abandon the brand altogether because of employing a bully CEO,

This time, Charlotte did not say anything to stop her fans or issue a statement telling them that she was not bullied. Her silence spoke volumes, and now her fans assumed that Sofia threatened Charlotte.

“Is there a need to focus on them?” Daniel asked. “Those people can’t even afford to buy one of your designer item be sneered. “Soon, the news will die down, and everyone will forget about this matter

Except Charlotte wanted all the attention, Sofia thought inwardly, Charlotte’s agency must have wanted to use this scandalas a prelude to Charlotte’s album- as a prelude to something that Charlotte currently does not have. “Of course, Sofia said, Since she was not a celebrity, she was not too worried about rumors like this.

“So, I will pick you up tomorrow? Six in the morning?” Daniel offered.

“Of course,” Sofia said. “I will send you my address.”

“Hmmm… Alright. You should sleep early. I will see you tomorrow. Love-Sofia ended the call before Daniel could say



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