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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 61

Chapter 61

Just when Sofia thought her day could most get any worse. Miss Agbores informed her that there was a problem with their recent photos

How could she have too many problems in just a day

Was this the consequence of acting like an adult Sona wanted curse, but this was simply her fault

the end she got up took some medicine to case her headache, and then instructed Miss Amores to bring her into the rea where they had then shoot. The moment they arrived. Sofia was immediately greeted by the chaos

Misstart the photographer refused to shoot the new model, and the old model that we have already said they are going to pay for the contract as they do not plan to become our ambassador anymore”

“Our brand ambassador Sotia frowned Jean Smith is an actress and a model who became their brand ambassador just last


“Miss Smith refuse


Lesday but is letting her team talk to us. They said they will pay for the cancellation of the

Schnarrowed her eyes. So, we have no model and our photographer refused to shoot the replacement one

Y-Yes Miss Amores from d

Have you tried calling the other models Sofia asked. Surely, they have other models that they could use, right? When she was still the creative director, she had contacts with a lot of models who wore their clothes for their online store.

She had experienced something like this in the past, but she was able to sort it out. Sadly, the current photographer, Mr. Franks might be different.

“Have you tried calling for replacements?” Sona asked

“We did. But we can’t find anyone in Illinois right now,”

“How about another photographer?” she asked.


Sofia sighed “Give me my phoneshe uttered Miss Amores gave her her phone, and Sofia immediately sent a message to


Hey Are you busy?]

INo 1 The reply came almost inmediately. Then came another [Do you miss me?

[Can you help me with something?] she asked,


This man was the CEO of a large company Why was he replying so fast? Was he really this idle? Impossible, Sotta thought inwardly. The company that she was currently managing was not even as large as the Beaumont Empire, and yet, she was already drowning with work! Just as she was about to send another text, her phone started ringing.

“Hey… she immediately answered. Who would have thought thay Alexander would even call her?

“Hey, are you alright?” his voice was soft. “Do you need me to send someone to help you


Chapter 61

“No.” Sotia walked farther away to try and find a quiet spot. Do you know a famous model or a photographer for an emergency shoot?” she asked. “Someone that is already in Illinois, if that’s possible.”

“Did something happen?”

We are supposed to have our photoshoot for our newer clothes for our online app. Jean Smith suddenly canceled and is even willing to cancel the contract.”

“Send me your current location…” he said.

“Can you help me?”

“That’s a really small matter.”

Relief flashed inside Sofia. “Alright.”

“And don’t give your phone to anyone.”

“Oh….” Sofia salu

of her calls earli


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