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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Soha felt like she did not need to ask any more questions about Mr. Franks relationship with Jenny She leaned her back against the cham and closed her eyes. Despite how much she tried to stop herself, she honestly felt a little lightheaded. Yet, life went on

“Good Yes That-hold- Hold on to that position. Then give me a little smirk. A little arrogance. Now make it clean and nice. I need gentleness. I need a woman in love-Mr. Franks loud voice echoed as he started shooting Jenny. To be honest, Jenny was excellent, and no one can deny that

Mamores were you able to get in touch with the previous model?” Sofia asked

It seems that they already planned to post online and wanted to finish signing all the paperwork. Her manager is ome to the office tomorrow with the fees.

mm-Sofia sand “What do you think about all this: Miss Amores she asked.

“May I be honest. M

“Go on Sofia sand

“I think they wted to negotiate the contract. They must be thinking that you would give them a better one, considering that you are the new CEO of the company

Sofa nodded. Actually, this was what she thought too! There was a deliberate plan behind it. But why was she not scared that Sofia would expose her to the paparazzi? Miss Amores excused herself as there was another call.


“Hm?” Sofia opened one of her eyes. “What is it?” she asked.

“Well, Miss Smith’s manager said that Miss Smith will come for the shoot. Miss Amores had a confused look on her face. “She wanted to speak to you.”

“What?” Sofia frowned. “Give me the phone.”

Miss Amores immediately complied.

“Hello Sofia said.

“Is this Miss Lockhart?”

“Speaking Sofia said.

“Miss, I would like to personally apologize for what happened just now. It seems that there was a misunderstanding on our part. Would you be available later today? We are already on our way to the shoot and-”

“Since Manager Li wanted to breach the contract, I already asked our legal team to deal with it. What Manager la can do instead is to wait for the lawyers to talk to you about it. Obviously, since Manager Li wanted to breach the contract, then I am going to assume that you are already aware of the repercussions- the financial ones.” At the end of the day, breaching a contract will cost them millions. Sofia is not going to let go of that

“Miss, there is a misunderstanding and-

“We already found someone to replace Miss Smith. Sofia interrupted the manager. “But I believe you already know that…. don’t you?”



tachta matkad dhe mesager subiens n the out they do not actually want to cancel this shoot ten’t that too unprofessional

(her ovies. The xodulen changes really made het more suspicious



wil be calling you in the next few days On behal of LH Design thank you for working with us for a few mouths. Soita statere she ended the call without waiting the latter’s response Then she handed the phone to Miss


to happen after this ident

me I want this over with as soon as possible” She was already expecting another

snded on Jenny who was wearing an all shine sundress With subtle makeup on Jenny looked like a woman in her

Stall we leave the-

ng Viser le She wanted to personally thank Jenny for saving her this time. She knew call om Verander and she was really grateful for his help too! However, Jenny could

quests, But she actually came and saved Sofa’s already chaotic day

vitar St E freever the shoe finally ended. Sada immediately informed the team to come with them for dinner. She tiny books not just for Mr. Franks and Miss Jenny Thomas but for all the staff who worked today

Soda smiled ar Jenny

response. “You have my phot



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