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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 63

Chapter 63

Daniel kicked the pebbles near his var Unable to contain his anger, he kicked his car before he screamed. The frustration that had been building inside him since the breakup was eating him from the inside out. It was only a few days, and he could not almost contami

He glanced at the restaurant betere he opened his phone and dialed his mother’s number. “Dearest!” Teresa Beaumont smiled as she answered the phone. “I have been trying to call-

Moms, can you not talk to Sofia again” Daniel interrupted his mother. There was a brief silence on the other line.

“What are you- Ingualked to SofiaTM

His brother shamed him for being such a ‘mama’s boy. However, Daniel never asked his my personal lite. Please don’t-

Teresa’s tone immediately turned harsh. “She must have wanted us to fight. She must have

say a word about you. And that bothered Daniel. Sola could not even bother herself to call him to discuss his er’s behavior or what his mother did to her. He thought this would soon pass, and she would soon forgive him.

e knew her. She was not vindictive or someone who would ruin anyone’s life just because of one mistake. Moreover, Sofia oved hunt However, the reconcilation that Daniel hoped for might never happen because of his mother!

“She is not like that, Mom.” Daniel said. “She would never say anything bad about you. However just please don’t do anything harsh. I promise you. I will fix this.”

“How could you say that! That woman is-“Teresa cleared her throat. “I have talked to my friends, and it seems that Sofia’s grandmother might be the one who did this. That might be because she dislikes you. Even if you and Sofia would reconcile then.

“I don’t care. Daniel said.

After Sofia’s birthday next week, she would have access to all of her wealth, and that includes her shares in the Beaumont Empire. Her grandmother would not be able to do anything about that.

If Sofia decided to give him the shares, then Daniel would be ecstatic. However, he needed to obtain her trust once again. That will only happen if they get back together, which might not happen now because of his mother.

What do you like about that woman?” Teresa asked. “She’s not that pretty. Rich, yes. But how could you have a wife who intends to work while your kids are at home? She doesn’t want to start acting like a proper woman. How could you”

“Enough” Daniel hissed


Daniel ruthlessly ended the call without waiting for his mother to say another word. He really was not in the mood to discuss this now. He turned his phone off and once again looked at the restaurant. He planned to wait for Sofia to leave so they could properly talk

However, his thoughts were interrupted when a car suddenly parked next to his-a car that he recognized. Daniel immediately frowned. “Daniel “Alexander smiled as he got out of the car. “Fancy seeing you here.”

Older brother. Daniel gave a perfunctory greeting. If he was right, Jenny Thomas- Alexander’s aunt-must have invited him here. “Are you going to see-”

Chapter n

“Nuge, Alexander said.

“You knew that Sofia was there right


“Take me with you

“Shameless Alexander smirked. “Why cheat on her if you still want to be with her?”


“I know the cheatigued

lexander said, the same smile of his face. “But that is none of my business Alexander said

car seeing his back slowly disappear into the dark, Daniel gritted his teeth.

other expert information that his mother hired to clear his reputation would not work dist However, Alexander had been making fun of him because of it!

as she accepted the juice drink that the waiter handed her. “Thank you.”


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