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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 70

Chapter 70

“Lol, Chairwoman Fulanda fmding love in her 70s Is this a joker what? 1)

“Ageless Love? More like Ageless Hype! Who cares about a 70-year-old’s romance? #rollingmyeyes)

“Chairwoman Fulanda’s love story is breaking stereotypes? Yeah, the stereotype that grandmas should focus on knitting, not dating GrandmaGoals

gine being 70 and still making headlines for your love life. Can’t she just enjoy her retirement and stop being a tabloie

tion? #Overit

Conquers All I bet it didn’t conquer the negative impact on LH GROUP’s reputation. Good luck with that, hairwoman! GROUPTroubles”

70 and embracing a new chapter in life? More like LI GROUP embracing a PR nightmare! #PublicityStunt”

Sofia took a deep breath as she read the comments online. Who would have thought that her grandmother would one day face these comments? Luckily, it seemed like her grandmother didn’t mind it at all. Sofia glanced at the older woman who was sitting to her.

Both of them were now preparing for Sofia’s birthday event. While Sofia’s makeup artist was doing her hair. Eulanda was doing her makeup. She had her eyes closed while listening to a podcast.

“Stop staring at me or I would melt.” Eulanda uttered, her voice still calm.

“The news about you are you not concerned about it?”

“Why would ” Eulanda opened one of her eyes. “Doesn’t matter…” she uttered. “Do you truly think that the opinions of those people matter to me?”

Sofia pursed her lips. It is not about other people’s opinions that worries her. It was the opinion of the shareholders.

“Why can’t you just enjoy your day?” Eulanda said, smiling. “Whoever released that news wanted to ruin your day, and it seems that it was affecting you. Besides… today is your birthday and the one who will escort you later was still not here…..

Sofia looked at her reflection. In fact, she was already getting worried as Alexander had yet to inform her of his arrival time. She let out a sigh.

“Don’t tell me you have not received any updates from him?” Euanda asked. In response, Sofia shook her head.

“Then call him!” Eulanda said.

Actually, Sofia had debated if she would call Alexander. She did not want to impose too much on him. To Sofia, the man has helped her a lot. He was running a business empire yet he had always been there for her. She felt like she had yet to show him her sincerity.

Naturally, she knew he was only doing this for the shares, but sti

Alexander doesn’t actually need those shares to secure his position. She felt like their transaction was no longer fair to Alexander at all.

Luckily, her grandmother did not pry anymore, and Karina arrived for her very own makeup and hair styling. Karina, Sofia, and Eulanda will be arriving at the venue together.

“Happy birthday…” Karina beamed the moment she walked in. Then she handed her a small box. “Open it tonight. After the party.”

“Thank you… you didn’t have to-



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Chapter 70

“Really Karina asked-

Sofa smiled in response


For the next few hours the three of them talked about random things that fo not involve huxiness To Sofia curpirive, hier grandmother was actually knowledgeable in the field of gossip! She knew who was sleeping with whom theating with their husbands and wives and many others

For a while. Sofia was able to relax and past laugh


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