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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 71

Chapter 71

“Mr. Beaumont, Leandro seemed at a loss for words when he saw Alexander. Do you two know each other?”

Instead of answering. Alexander looked at Sofia, “Shall we?” He held his hand towards her. This time, the accepted it without saying another word.

As they stepped onto the dance floor, the music took control of their movements. They swayed together, the world around them tadiny. Sofia could feel the gazes from everyone, some curious, others judgmental as if they had just seen a


  1. But she didn’t care.

cy glided across the floor, the soft melody creating a bubble of intimacy around them. Sofia lifted her gaze er’s calm and reassuring eyes. For a moment, they were alone, the opulence of the room and the prying

floor became their haven, movements choreographed by the music. As they swayed, Alexander spoke, his words g a subtle tension to the atmosphere. You look beautiful.”

“I didn’t think you would come,” she smiled.

“I promised you. I would come. Didn’t I?

“You were busy,” she uttered.

“You are a priority.

Their bodies moved in sync with the music.

“Busy doesn’t mean uninterested,” Alexander whispered, his breath sending a shiver down Sofia’s spine.

She blushed. What was that supposed to mean? And why does her face feel so hot? She wanted to bury her face in Alexander’s chest but stopped herself; after all, they were in a public space.

Luckily, there were no reporters around as they were not allowed to go inside the venue.

“It seems that there were many young gentlemen around you who wanted to ‘build’ connections, he muttered as he twirled her around the dance floor.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“I knew that many wanted to know you better when they heard about your engagement with Daniel, but I never expected them to be this many, he smirked. “Sadly, you are already married.”

“Oh, it was grandmother’s friends,” Sofia noticed this the moment she arrived at the venue. She did not know if her grandmother did this on purpose, but most of the people she invited were allowed a plus one, and most of them brought their bachelor grandson.

The moment they arrived, Eulanda immediately started introducing her to everyone. However, she ignored them as she found everything comical.

Her grandmother knew that she was already married. While Eulanda did not say anything else aside from that one time when she warned her about being with a Beaumont, she never showed any signs that she was against this marriage.

Eulanda knew that all the proper procedures had been done. Sofa and Alexander both signed a prenuptial agreement, and none of them would lose a fortune once they divorced.

“I don’t know what was thinking,” Sofia smiled.


11:44 Sat, Mar 2

Chapter 71

“Perhaps to make me aware that you are one of the most sought after women in Illinois?” he chuckled at that.

“Says the man who could practically have any y woman that he wanted,” she said.

“I am already a married man”

“Of course, Sofia smiled at that.

“I apologize for being late. There were some problems in the company,” he said after a few minutes of silence.


“You don’t have to apologize,” she quickly responded. For some reason, his serious tone made her heart race. What exactly is happening right now? She immediately pushed all of her thoughts out of her head.

Luckily, the music ended, and now they had to go back to where Eulanda and the others were.

“Mr. Beaumont Eulanda beamed. “I am so glad that you were able to come.”

“Please Eul

Die Alexander. Hello, Mr. Rames.”

“Alexander, Mr Lames enthusiastically greeted. Sofia already knew that Alexander was well-known in the business industry. but she never expected him to attract this much attention!

For some reason, this made her think that coming in late was intentional on his part as he did not want to take the attention away from her. She looked at Alexander’s side profile as he interacted with Mr. Rames and a few other businessmen who decided to greet him as well.

Seeing him in front of many people somehow gave a warm feeling in her chest.

“Look at them,” Karina mumbled next to him. “I’m sure they are going to start talking about business again.”

“Where is Adam? Sofia asked. Earlier, Adam arrived and took Karina away.

She did not know where the two went and simply assumed it had something to do with a case that they were handling together.

“How would I know that?” Karina asked.

“Really?” Sofia lifted an eyebrow, her tone teasing.

However, instead of getting flustered, Karina only smiled. “How about you and that man? I saw what was happening earlier.”

“What do you mean?” Sofia asked.

“Stop feigning innocence. I saw it.”

“What did you see?” Sofia accepted the champagne that Karina handed her.

“How he held you?”

“We were dancing, Karina of course, he would hold me.” Sofia was tempted to roll her eyes.


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