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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 73

Chapter 73


moment, leaving her frozen, His kiss was firm, insistent, yet surprisingly gentle, sending a jolt through her that left her knees


Sofia felt a flicker of something she hadn’t experienced in months- a spark of desire, a yearning she thought she’d buried. deep within. Her initial shock gave way to a hesitant response, her lips parting slightly as if in surprise, then meeting his in a tentative touch

The kiss deepened, a silent conversation unfolding between their lips. It was a dance of exploration, a testing of boundaries..

tis touch ignited a warmth inside her, a.slow burn that spread through her body, chasing away the lingering chill of her

nt heartbreak.

senses were heightened. The scent of his cologne, fresh and clean, filled her head. She could feel the warmth of his body ressed against hers, the subtle rise and fall of his chest with each breath. Each touch, each brush of their lips, sent a new wave of shivers down her spine, leaving her breathless and wanting more.

Despite his h

ds, the way he was holding her, the urgency in his kiss, all spoke a different story.

And she liked it.

This just made her realize how much she liked him.

Sofia’s arms snaked around his neck as his hand held her waist firmly.

She did not know how long the kiss lasted. All she knew was how good it felt.

When the kiss ended, Sofia immediately tried to catch her breath. Her lips felt… swollen. Yet something about it made her want to laugh

Damn it.

When was the last time she had kissed someone so passionately

Daniel and she were both busy. They seldom saw each other, and when they did, she would invite Charlotte with them. Daniel never complained, so she thought he liked that setup. However, this also meant that they did not have the time to be intimate with each other. She knew it was silly, but she was content with that arrangement.

She thought this would change once they got married.


“Can we stay in this place a little longer?” she asked.

“Of course,” he responded before kissing the top of her head.


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