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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 72

Chapter 72


For a while, the two of them gazed at the stars without saying another word. The cold air of Chicago made its presence known, causing Sofia to shiver. Almost immediately, she felt his coat around her.

“Thank you” she said, looking at him before adding, “For everything

He said nothing in response. Instead, he merely stared at her, his gaze unreadable. For a moment, the world around them seemed to stop, and her heartbeat grew louder as it drummed against her chest.

he air crackled with unspoken tension. Their eyes locked, and a magnetic pull seemed to draw them closer. Sofia felt a ngling sensation, a subtle electricity that charged the space between them. The silence held a promise, and the intensity of heir gaze spoke volumes.

Without breaking eye contact, he leaned in slowly, closing the distance between them. The moment hung in the air,

suspended in anticipa

shared connection.

Sofia’s breath caught, and the cold night seemed to ignite with a warmth that radiated from their

their lips met.

Well that didn’t actua, nappen.

Just as she closed her eyes, she heard someone clear their throat behind them. Almost immediately, the tension around the

air broke.

It was as if a cold bucket of water was poured into her soul as she realized what was about to happen.

They were about to kiss!

“Chairman…” It was Josef. Thankfully, it was only Josef! “Young Master Daniel- Before he could finish his words, someone suddenly pushed him to the side.

To Sofia’s surprise, the perpetrator was none other than Daniel.

Daniel’s eyes narrowed into icy slits. The anger that had simmered beneath the surface for weeks, fueled by the sting of rejection and the sight of Sofia with another man, erupted in an instant.

He whipped his head around, his voice sharp as a knife. “Josef,” he hissed, the single word dripping with venom. “Get lost.”

Josef, taken aback by the sudden hostility, stammered, “B-but Young Master-

Daniel cut him off before he could finish. “I said, get lost! This doesn’t concern you.” His voice boomed.

Sofia watched in stunned silence as Daniel turned back to her. What is this man doing here?

“And you,” he turned his harsh gaze toward Alexander, his voice laced with barely contained rage, “what do you think you’re doing with my fiance?”

Alexander, surprised by the audacity of the accusation, smirked. You mean ex-fiance, don’t you?” he pointed out.

“What are you doing here, Daniel?” Sofia asked. “I don’t remember sending you an invite.”

Daniel ignored her, his full attention fixated on Alexander.

“I always knew you were out to hurt me. You already took everything away from me, and now…. you wanted Sofia too?”

“Josef, call security. Have them escort Daniel out,” Sofia said. Luckily, Josef immediately made a move.

Daniel snorted in response. “So, the reason why you refuse to even talk to me was because of this man?”

11:45 Sat, Mar 24

Chapter 72

“Isn’t it funny how you can easily turn things around?” Sofia hed. “It was you who cheated on my sister How dare you drag Alex into the trouble that you made yourself?”

“Alex?” Daniel uttered, his gaze dark. He had warned her not to dill him Alex!

“We’re done, Daniel. I don’t want you ruining my birthday party Please leave now.”

“Done? You can’t just throw away years like that, Softa! We were meant to be together!”

“That was unnl you cheated on me Sofia’s voice shook. At the esl of the day, it wasn’t her who threw away the years they

pent together. It was him!

And yet, he really has the audacity to act like she did something wrong?

“It was you…” Daniels are focused on Alexander “You did this didn’t you?” Daniel’s face contorted. Before Alexander- could say another

nel suddenly approached them and grabbed Sofia’s wrist. “Let’s go… let’s talk in private. This


“Let me go


“Let her go!” Alexander hissed

Before Sofia could react. Daniel suddenly lunged towards his brother, his fist clenched tight. But Alexander was faster. He sidestepped the blow with case, twisting Daniel’s arm behind his back. A surprised yelp escaped Daniel’s lips as he struggled against the hold.

“Let go of me!” he roared, his face contorted i

“Not until you calm down,” Alexander said calmly, his voice firm but steady. He wasn’t trying to hurt Daniel, just to prevent him from hurting anyone else.

Just then, the balcony door swung open with a bang. Two security guards rushed in with Josef.


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